Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Behind The Scenes: Geocaching Podcast Ep. 230 - Creative Cache Containers II

Tons of the usual stuff goings on with the Geocaching Podcast. Tonight's episode started out with the news that Darrylw4 has been sick for most of the week so it was only going to be XpunkX and myself. No biggie in that regards but it is always that much nicer when we are all on together.

Next Talkshoe did what it does best by having some buffer issues. So when I was right into the middle of a really good roll of content I had to be stopped because I was breaking up too much. Problem it wasn't me but everybody was breaking up. You could tell because many people had to disconnect and log back in. I think it was only pure luck that we didn't get logged off like usual.

The banter part of the show went off really well. XpunkX talked about his Thanksgiving and meeting up with fellow geocacher jeepin_idaho and his family. Whilest I did not get too much actual geocaching in but instead chilled out and enjoyed some solid holiday time.

I did get a real kick being able to talk about XpunkX's son Micah did his TV debut on my show Geocaching World and that we showed of video of Micah putting out his first geocache. That and the fact that his first hide was based off of one of my GeoSnippits PVC geocaches. Micah was so cute and we are so happy putting this first moment out on the show.
Geocaching World Episode:

Tonight's episode was about Creative Geocaches. We talked about so much and shared so many great hides. We discussed how creative geocaches can blend in so well in the environment. Then other geocaches that are hidden in plain sight. To many examples to mention here so you will just have to listen to the podcast. Lessee what else? Creative puzzle geocaches like the ones the Dirtbag Geocaching Society place or other ones that are unique like the one that Echo6Charlie is going to send into space. So much content and so little time. Again go listen to it when it comes out in the next day or two.

We record the Geocaching Podcast each and every week on Wednesdays at 9:30pm EST. The recorded episode for this week will be available any time now via iTunes and the Geocaching Podcast website.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Geocaching World ( Episode: Geocaching Thing-a-Mabobs and Other Tools

Here is a QRCode for you to scan or figure out to see a very cool episode of Geocaching World. In this episode Courtney Wallin and I discuss Geocaching thing-a-mabobs and other helpful tools you might want to add to your collection. Check it out.

QRCode to the video webpage

 GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Behind The Scenes: Geocaching World ( Ep. #913 - Geocaching Thing-A-Mabobs

What-cha-macallits,  whos-a-whatzis and thing-a-mabobs was the theme for last night's recording of Geocaching World ( When I first Skyped in to the studio it sounded more like gremlin's day. Apparently Producer/Co-Host Courtney Wallin was having some continuous technical issues all day and they were not slowing down right up to show time. Now I have never seen Courtney mad before and quite frankly all she has to do is give me "The Look" which is enough to send shivers down the spine of any action hero. So when she was stating that she was going to lose it, I wasn't sure I wanted to be around when that happened. Fortunately for everyone things mostly settled down in time to do the show.

One of the things that we have been playing with is the use of Google+ hangouts during the recording of the show. We tried it again last night and had some really nice results. There is going to be a bunch more tweaking that needs to be done to get the full functionality but I can see it as a nice addition in the not too distant future. One of the cool things that I can do is run a second camera off of my second computer when we do this. I just found it a bit cumbersome because I also use that monitor for watching the chat-room while we do the show. So it also is going to mean getting a second monitor for that system like I have for my primary system. That will be four monitors going now but it is necessary between the Skype session, show notes, hang out, chat-room and anything else I need. Oh and the addition of a new Microsoft Lifecam Cinema webcam has greatly improved the Skype session over my laptop camera. HD is a good thing.

Wow, just realized how much I was rambling about all the technical stuff going on and haven't talked about the show itself yet. Ah well isn't that what the "Behind the Scenes" goodness is all about? Okay, on with the show.

We talked about many of the favorite thing-a-mabobs that geocachers use when out geocaching. Theses items are not your run of the mill things like GPSr units, topo maps or ammo cans. More like extension grabbers, multi-tools and led light baseball caps. This is all geocachers information gold because you are going to run into a situation where you have to get a geocache and you don't have the right gizmo to do it. This show will help you fill up your geocaching pack with the right tools for the job. If you want to get all the details you will have to watch the entire show when it goes into distribution. Don't fret it will only be a week or so.

PRIZES! Glad you asked. The Geocaching World Cache Stash was really hopping tonight with contributions of a pack of Waypoint Markers from and a beautiful wrist bracelet from

The BIGGIE contest prize of course was the Compass Rose Sample Geocoin. It is a one of a kind geocoin which are extremely coveted. In fact if you read this before EOD Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 you might want to read about it here and send in your entry.

Special thanks to Courtney Wallin and Managing Director Andy McCaskey for doing a really fun show. Plus another huge thank you to everyone who was watching us record and also interacted in our chat-room. Mucho Thank You, the show would not be the same without you!

All of our released Geocaching World episodes are available in iTunes and on the website but if you did not make it to the live recording you can see it when it is released soonly.

Geocaching World is recorded LIVE each and every week on Thursday at 6:30pm EST. We meet up in the chat room here:

If you are a company who would like to participate with our Geocaching World Cache Stash Sponsorship Program and donate prizes for our show please email for more details.

See you next week.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Monday, November 21, 2011

Register To Win A One Of A Kind Sample Compass Rose Geocoin From

Ever want for your geocoin collection that one show piece that makes everyone who sees it envious? Let me introduce you to the High Noon Compass Rose Geocoin from

This is no ordinary geocoin. This is a one of a kind SAMPLE geocoin that was used in the process of creating the 2011 Compass Rose Geocoin Collection. Below is the completed description. Just keep in mind that this coin is a bit thicker than the ones which will be mass-produced. Sample geocoins are HIGHLY coveted and you have an opportunity of winning this amazing geocoin for your very own. The instructions are very simple, read on.

To put in a single entry you can email your contact information to with the subject of Compass Rose Geocoin. Only one entry per person is allowed and it must be received by end of day EST Wednesday, December 1st, 2011. The drawing will be done live on Geocaching World (RVNN) Thursday December 2nd, 2011.

Bonus Chance To Win! 
Aren't you glad you read this... During the Tuesday 11/22/2011 recording of our Geocaching World show we will give additional instructions out on how you can double your chances to win this amazing geocoin! You have to be viewing the show LIVE during our recording session which starts at 6:30pm EST on Tuesday 11/22/2011. Meet here in the chat room or for watching the show

Also, be sure to sign up to's mailing list to be notified when all of these amazing geocoins will be available.

High Noon Compass Rose Geocoin

The 2011 Compass Rose Geocoin® is about the critical importance of the sun and navigation. Navigation by the sun was practically second nature a thousand years ago, even though it was not as accurate without special tools as today's methods. It was very important to know where the sun tracked across the sky and exactly where it would rise and set depending on the season. Since the 1700s, knowing the sun's declination was imperative to calculate longitude. Knowing how to gain longitude was very important to calculate accurate navigation and map making.
The compass rose sun design on the 2011 Compass Rose Geocoin was derived from a map made in 1613 which covers half of the world on the Atlantic side. Normally, maps containing a great level of artistic detail were not accurate and made only for sale to the general public as display pieces. Ship's captains knew better than to use these kinds of maps; however, this map was not only artistic but also informative.
If you look closely at the different versions of the 2011 Compass Rose Geocoin, you will notice there are two different front side metal designs. One has a raised metal design and other has a recessed metal design. Not only did we make different versions with different colors and finishes, but we added another aspect of using two front dies which truly makes a variety of versions that are very different from each other.
The back of the geocoin illustrates the Copernican astronomical system. It shows the tilt of the earth at its equinoxes along with other planets. The outer ring outlines the zodiacs according to how the constellations are aligned with the sun during the year. Each planet in the coin is represented with a Swarovski gemstone.
  • Measures 2" in diameter
  • Imitation hard enamel colors
  • Two different front side dies
  • Swarovski gemstones
  • Trackable on
  • A unique icon shows on your profile when you log a discovery
  • The limited edition coins have their own unique icon
Each coin version is named after different aspects of the sun's positions:

  • Midnight Sun (polished nickel, recessed front) - Represents when the sun is at its highest or lowest point in the sky (winter and summer solstices) when the sun shines for 24 hours day over the frigid winter landscapes.
  • Daybreak (black nickel, raised front) - Signifying when the sun first rises at the horizon and marking that location to gain an idea of your latitude based on the season.
  • Eclipse - (black nickel, recessed front) - Only occurring during a new moon, solar eclipses have played a significant part in referencing historical and religious events. The Chinese scientist Shen Kuo, 1031-1095 AD, also used eclipses as his reasoning for why planets were spherical instead of flat; an understanding that became vital for accurate map making.
  • Dawn to Dusk (polished gold, recessed front) - Tracking the sun from the morning to the evening is key to good navigation and knowing its ecliptic as each day passes through the seasons.
  • Twilight edition (polished gold, raised front) - Related to the sailor's weather predicting phrase of, "Red sky at night, sailor's delight."
  • High Noon (antique bronze, recessed front) - LE version made available to the public. This version represents true high noon when the sun is at its highest point in the daytime sky. This position of the sun is the most critical when taking sextant readings to calculate latitude.
  • Dawn's Early Light (polished gold, raised front) - Private LE version.
  • YemonYime version (green coloring) - LE version made for the artist who significantly helped with the artwork for this coin.
Be sure to sign up to's mailing list to be notified when all of these amazing geocoins will be available.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Geocaching Event Breakdown: Which One Will YOU Hold Next?

Yes at the time of this posting the Fall leaves have worked past the peak of colors and you can still hear the sounds of acorns pinging off the tops of automobiles in the office parking lot. In the Northern Hemisphere anyway it is a time to reflect on the geocaching season and possibly what will be done next year. My question to you fellow geocacher is, "How about hosting a geocaching event?". If the thought of bringing a bunch of geocachers together for an event gives you chills or you just want to learn more about them read on. There is a lot of valuable information below.

What is a Geocaching event? 
In the Geocaching World, a geocaching event is an opportunity to gather fellow geocachers together to share experiences, food, more geocaching and some common theme to bring everybody together in one place.

Why have a Geocaching event?
Geocaching is an incredibly social network of people. Geocachers all around the world have a common bond through geocaching which is universal. Cachers from other states and countries can feel immediately welcome at a geocaching event. It doesn't matter if you have ten finds, or ten thousand finds. Everybody has something to talk about when it comes to this amazing activity.

Are there different types of Geocaching events?
You betcha.

General Event Types 

- Meet and Greet Geocaching Event - usually very informal and at a local watering hole. Meet and Greet events are meant to get a bunch of geocachers together for the first time to meet up and get to know each other. Many future geocaching activities are planned at these.

- Flash Mob Events - 15 minute limit and has a theme. Flash mobs are very creative and can sometimes get down right goofy. Imagine a spot in a public area where people are just wondering around minding their own business. Suddenly a whistle is blown and 50 geocachers don masks and hats, form a group photo, blow kazoos, everyone signs a log and within 15 minutes disperse as if nothing ever happened.  That is one of a zillion examples of a Flash Mob Event.

- CITO - Cache In Trash Out - The world is our game-board and we like to keep it clean. There can be a handful to hundreds at a CITO geocaching event. The idea is simple. Geocacher care about the environment. That is why you see a lot of us picking up trash while we geocache. The CITO event pops it up a knotch and gets geocachers together a single place and cleans up an entire area. Places like parks, forests, urban areas, parking lots, you name it and everybody pitches in to do their part for the environment.

- Standard Event - can have a handful to hundreds of geocachers. This is your standard type of geocaching event where anything and everything geocaching can happen.
 - Milestone achievements
 - Calendar Ex. 11-11-11
 - Yearly events - annual geocaching events
 -  Like we need a reason, let's get together.

Is it difficult to host a Geocaching event?
Not at all. Yeah sure the bigger more elaborate ones require much more preparation but a standard Meet and Greet only needs a place to meet up, preferably some food and libations and a bunch of geocachers. That's about it. If you want to do something bigger and more active I suggest you talk with other geocachers who have already held geocaching events and get ideas and information from them.

What goes on at Geocaching events?
Everything Geocaching! BBQs, Auctions, Geocoin/Pathtag trade-offs, Contests, Activities, Geocaching Hunts, Games, Hiking, Adventures, Educational classes and so much more.

What does it take to setup a Geocaching event?
Registering your event on, understanding what it takes to put on a successful party, the right amount of people to setup and host the event and enough people to clean up afterwards. Do you homework first and know what you are getting into but once you host your first. There really isn't much to it.

Geocachers look forward to several things when attending a Geocaching event.
- Food
- Places to find Geocaches
- Talking about Geocaching
- Trackables
- Some themed activities to accomplish
     For Example:
       Silent Auction
       Trackables Trade-off
       Pre-planned geocache hunt
       Painting Geocaches for the kids
       Group/family activities and games
       Geocaching classes
       Geocaching in the area

Planning / hosting a successful Geocaching event
Here are some more helpful suggestions:

- Have a defined purpose. Even if it is a meet and greet.
- Select a location that is geocache rich.
- Have at an area where food is provided or available
- Know how many are coming and be prepared.
- Geocaching activities are important
- Give a ways are great
- Getting the local community involved if possible
- Reserve location space if a larger event - park, building, etc.
- Contact local Geocaching groups to help with event ideas and doing the event itself.

Well that about wraps it up. I hope you found some valuable information from this post and consider hosting your very own geocaching event very soon.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Behind The Scenes: Geocaching World ( Ep. #912 - Geocaching Events Breakdown

Last night's episode of Geocaching World ( was on Tuesday instead of our usual Thursdays due to the holiday season and some schedule changes. Even though we recorded LIVE on a different night the chat room still was hopping with people and I think we were actually close to breaking an occupancy record. Very cool and you really have to be in there chatting away to really appreciate all the information and conversations that goes on during the show. So you just have to be there to know what we mean. What are you waiting for?

The best way to help people understand a concept is to demonstrate it. Courtney Wallin and I discussed what geocaching events are, what you can do at them and how to set one up.

Courtney Wallin

This was Courtney's first time being co-host during Geocaching World instead of behind the studio production boards and she did a terrific job. I really think that since she has been with us from the start and even has found some recent geocaches that she will make a great addition to the show. I know the chat room has given her a very friendly geocacher welcome. I very much look forward to working with her as well. Now if we can get Managing Director Andy McCaskey more comfortable with production.... but that is another story <jk>.  Andy did great even though we had to restart the intro of the show three times.  All part of the fun when doing live recordings. I was very impressed with Andy of his switching abilities. We had a lot of photos and videos sprinkled through the whole show and he didn't miss a beat. Thanks Andy!

This week's episode discussed everything you wanted to know about geocaching events. From Meet and Greets, Flash Mobs and CITO events to the Megas. The idea was to hopefully plant the idea into our viewers that next year when the weather gets nice that maybe they could host a geocaching event and it really isn't all that difficult to do.

We broke down all the different types of geocaching events out there and why we have them. Then we went into great detail of the different aspects, activities and considerations that would go into hosting your own event. We had lots of interaction with our world wide chat room. Tons of comments and suggestions came from there and we used in the show. Thank You Chat-Room. For all the incredibly great info you are going to have to see the entire episode for yourself. It should be out within a couple of days of this posting.

The prizes from our Geocaching World Cache Stash were nice indeed. One was from our friends at which was a 250 Finds Geo-Achievement Patch. The second was an unactivated Cache-A-Maniacs geocoin. The questions were pretty easy this week. Hey it is the holiday season.

All of our released Geocaching World episodes are available in iTunes and on the website but if you did not make it to the live recording you can see it when it is released soonly.

Usually Geocaching World is recorded LIVE each and every week on Thursday at 6:30pm EST. ***SPECIAL NOTE*** For the week November 20th we will be recording on TUESDAY the 22nd!

We meet up in the chat room here:

If you are a company who would like to participate with our Geocaching World Cache Stash Sponsorship Program and donate prizes for our show please email for more details.

See you next week.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Friday, November 11, 2011

Behind The Scenes: Geocaching World ( Ep. #911 - Geocaching Winter Preparedness

We had so much fun doing last nights Geocaching World ( TV show. The chat room which is a regular feature when we record the show was once again hopping with geocachers. What I love so much about the chat room is that not only do we have a whole bunch of regulars from all around the world but they make any new viewers feel immediately welcome. One of the many other benefits of being in the chat room is all the great discussions that go on. In fact we feed off each other during the show. Many questions and comments are mentioned as we record so the chat room keeps everything going.

Tonight's episode was all about Geocaching Winter Preparedness and this covered two main discussions. The first was a maintenance attitude with the cold wintry weather coming and what you may need to do to keep your hidden geocache in great shape. The second key point is being prepared when you are actually outside in the cold which also includes those emergency situations where you may get stuck or caught off guard.

There is so much great information in this episode I highly recommend all geocachers to give this a watch or listen to.

Once again we had really nice prizes from our Geocaching World Cache Stash. Prize #1 was a geocaching whistle and Carabiner from Prize #2 was an amazing benchmarking geocoin from our friends at Thanks once again to all of our sponsors who contribute to our Cache Stash!

We once again were simulcasting live on The TechPodcast Network and it was so great to have our friends there coming along for the fun.

All of our released Geocaching World episodes are available in iTunes and on the website but if you did not make it to the live recording you can see the uncut episode right now by clicking the link here:  the released version should be available in the next few days.

Usually Geocaching World is recorded LIVE each and every week on Thursday at 6:30pm EST. ***SPECIAL NOTE*** For the weeks of November 13th and November 20th we will be recording on TUESDAYS the 15th and 22nd!
We meet up in the chat room here:

If you are a company who would like to participate with our Geocaching World Cache Stash Sponsorship Program and donate prizes for our show please email for more details.

See you next week.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Monday, November 7, 2011

Things You Can Do With A GPSr

HeadHardHat's Garmin 60CSx GPSr
In the Geocaching World there are many different GPSr handheld units available. Many of them have common features that may be useful to you as either a geocacher, hiker or outdoors enthusiast. Note not all GPSr units may have everything described though it may help you in your next GPSr purchase.

Marking a Waypoint -
Simplest way of noting exactly where you are on a GPSr map.
For many GPSr units if you click the MARK button the coordinates of where you are standing will be turned into a waypoint. It will contain your coordinates, altitude, distance from waypoint and any other pertinent information. Note it is very important that you allow your GPSr unit to settle before marking your spot. In other words set your GPSr unit down from a couple of minutes so it can pick up as many available satellites as possible and allowing the greatest accuracy.

Projection -
The ability of creating a second waypoint based off of an original waypoint using the coordinates of the first waypoint, distance and bearing.

So say you are creating a multi-stage geocache and you have stage one all plotted nice and neat. To be a bit creative you don't want to give up the next stages coordinates because that would be too easy. Instead you have the finder do what is known as a projection. That is they use the coordinates of stage one and then face a particular bearing or direction and then walk a certain amount of distance to find the next waypoint or stage.  Kind of like the old pirate days of walking so many paces north west from the big tree to find the treasure chest. Projection has many other uses but for geocaching this is one of the more popular.

Use with GPSr:

Use with GCC smartphone app:
The GCC smartphone application is very handy for all sorts of calculations, encryptions and so much more. It also has the ability to do different aspect functions of projection. for example:

(Coordinates-> Projection) Tells coords similar to on a GPSr
(Coordinates-> Bearing) Tells the compass direction based on two coords
(Coordinates->Distance) Tells the distance between two coords

Tracking Also known as Electronic Breadcrumbs -
You read about people getting lost while out hiking all the time. It is really easy to do, go on a few miles of hiking in an area that is unfamiliar and all it takes is one missed left or right to get somebody confused. Add in the terrain mixture a mountainous situation and not only do you have to contend with left or right but up and down too. In those situations people who even have a GPSr can get lost because your car may be a short distance away but 300 feet above or below you and your are staring at a cliff face or swamp. Now what?

The best thing to do is to avoid the whole situation by turning on your tracking or what is also known as electronic breadcrumbs. Basically what happens with tracking turned on is a trail is created wherever you walk and stored digitally. When you want to get back to your car or campsite all you have to do is look at your GPSr map and follow the line (or breadcrumbs) by retracing your steps. That way you know for sure exactly where you went in the first place. In fact on many GPSr units you can upload your route into a computer and maps program and see exactly where you went including distance and elevation.

Topo Maps -
A topographic map is a type of map characterized by large-scale detail and quantitative representation of relief, usually using contour lines in modern mapping, but historically using a variety of methods. Traditional definitions require a topographic map to show both natural and man-made features. A topographic map is typically published as a map series, made up of two or more map sheets that combine to form the whole map. A contour line is a combination of two line segments that connect but do not intersect; these represent elevation on a topographic map.

Topo maps are great foe telling you which side of a river or stream a geocache may be hidden. Also knowing how much of a climb that may be involved with your trek can be a great help as well.

Satellite Imagery Maps-
Satellite imagery consists of photographs of Earth or other planets made by means of artificial satellites. Ever want to see exactly where a geocache is before getting onsite? Satellite maps are perfect for giving you a very good visual representation from above. It also may help you with how you want to approach a geocache site by seeing what may be in your way or discovering an easier path.

Advanced handheld GPSr options-
There are many new and developing features that will be utilized in current and up and coming GPSr unites. Below is a list of functionalities you might want on your GPSr.

  • 3 Axis Tilt
  • GPSr Wireless Waypoint sharing
  • Messaging - SOS functions
  • GPSr direct .gpx file downloads
  • Built in microSD card
  • Autofocus Camera
  • Voice Recorder
There are so many new GPSrs becoming available to everyone. As always I suggest you do your research and read up before purchasing yours. I hope this basic list helped you.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Friday, November 4, 2011

Behind The Scenes: Geocaching World( Ep. 910 - GPSr Functionality and QR Codes

Every time I start writing up these behind the scenes reviews I always want to start off with how great the show was and how much fun everybody has before, during and after the live recording of Geocaching World. The only reason I am always tempted to do this is because it's true. We are building such a great fan base and they almost always are in the chat room, viewing on their computers or smartphones. So the Meet And Greet style shows are very relaxed and it's become very much a geocachers hang out time.

Each show Creative Director Dave Dufour and I Andy HeadHardHat Smith discuss an aspect of Geocaching. In the background the chat-room is a buzz with activity and geocachers from all around the world discuss their viewpoints about the topics of note. There are many times that you can catch Dave and I checking out the chat-room and we sometimes pull their discussions into the show. This of course does not include the questions that also come up. It's a true symbiotic relationship and the show would not be the same without it.

Tonight's show was a little different for a couple of reasons. First the opening intros were different. We had received an audio introduction for the show from Warren Andrews who does this now professionally. He is a big fan of the show and sent in the intro. It was so good Producer Courtney Wallin and Dave decided to incorporate it in for this special occasion. The intro turned out great and you will just have to see it when the entire show becomes available. Again thanks Warren!

Another oddity with tonight's episode was an experiment Managing Director Andy McCaskey had us do. Dave displayed three different QR codes for the viewers to scan of different sizes. Some went to web URLs, contained text messages and took you to a YouTube Geocaching video. I believe the testing showed which size was the most effective and we will most likely be using them on several of the shows.

After all of that we actually discussed the main theme of the show itself and investigated many of the different functionalities of a GPSR handheld unit.

Don't forget the prizes from our Geocaching World Cache Stash. One was a heavy duty lanyard from our friends at and the other was a really cool key chain from Congrats to the winners in the Chatroom.

Well, shy of another experiment that we tried by simul streaming through some new equipment that was about it for this show. Please be sure to see the entire show when it becomes available in the next few days. You don't want to miss the pair of large owls we caught on file while doing one of the segments.

Geocaching World is recorded LIVE each and every week on Thursday at 6:30pm EST. We meet up in the chat room here:

If you are a company who would like to participate with our Geocaching World Cache Stash Sponsorship Program and donate prizes for our show please email for more details.

See you next week.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Thursday, November 3, 2011

This Just In From Groundspeak - a German 5/5 Geocache

Just received and email from Eric at Groundspeak talking about a spectacular 5/5 geocache in Germany you might be interested in.

Here is what he said:

We wanted to share this Presents video, “The Rock” with you. It’s one of our most extreme shoots to date and an absolutely amazing geocache. The Puzzle Cache is placed along a war-torn German bridge on the banks of the Rhine River. It’s extreme to the extreme. Thanks to Christian Gallus with Geocaching Magazin, and geocachers Nicita and Brazzanowitz for shepherding our videographer Reid and myself on this five hour adventure. Groundspeak hopes to inspire geocachers to enhance the quality of the geocaching through our video series. The Rock is a fantastic example of a quality D5/T5 cache. 
Watch the video here: 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email.
All the best,

Eric Schudiske
Public Relations/Social Media Manager

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Behind The Scenes: Geocaching Podcast Ep. 227 November Cacher Coffee

Tonight's episode of the Geocaching Podcast was our November Cacher Coffee. What we do on the Cacher Coffee is just sit back and talk about just about anything. The idea is to give the people in the chat room or the Google Hang Out we normally have going a chance to talk during the show.

Our banter was pretty basic with one really cool note that XpunkX's son will be putting out his first geocache which is one of the PVC hydrants he had seen in one of my GeoSnippits videos.

When we do our Cacher Coffee any geocaching subject can come up. A large discussion came from a viewer email that dealt with geocaching during hunting season. Each of us had our own viewpoints which of course will be interpreted by you the viewers. There is no one correct answer and we just love bringing up many of the possibilities to discuss.

The next discussion also came from a listener who was trying to decide if they should put away his mobile phone for something else. This turned into a great GPSr discussion. I took it a bit further and wanted to know the thoughts of XpunkX and Darrylw4 about what would be popular for the up and coming holiday season. This then turned into a discussion about Winter Geocaching. Like I said anything goes in a Cacher Coffee.

It was a really great show and you really should give it a listen when it comes out in the next day or two.

We record the Geocaching Podcast each and every week on Wednesdays at 9:30pm EST. The recorded episode for this week will be available any time now via iTunes and the Geocaching Podcast website.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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