Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rainy Day - Setup Some New Caches

Well the weatherman says this weekend is going to be a rainy one. Part of me is bummed because this is cutting into my weekend caching time. On the other hand this is Raleigh, NC and we are currently in a 100 year drought. So any rain at all is welcome...
Since all my normal husbandly duties are done for the day, okay I still have to spray the bugs in our trees but it is raining ya know.. I decided to start getting together my very first caches. I was out yesterday and scoped out a fantastic place about 2 miles from my current house and it will be just perfect for a small ammo box cache site.
Step one, go to nearby military supply store and pick up a couple of nice ammo boxes. Step two, clean up and spray paint some camoflague, allow to dry..
So now I am litterally waiting for paint to dry... Will send some new photos in a few hours. Can't wait to set this up!!!

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