Friday, December 26, 2008

HooHaa TB Race - The Little Cap That Could

Gunny's Electric Bug only had a smidgen over two miles to show it's efforts in the HooHaa TB Race. HeadHardHat had shown it as a host of different types of "caps" in many of the HooHaa Cartoons shown weekly and Gunny has taken it all in stride. (The photo above shows EB as a Stayples Easy Button)

Now Gunny has his moment to do some serious "Nanner-Nanner" to the rest of the Travel Bug Racers with it's latest move from Japan to TwentyNine Pines, California. This gives Electric Bug a grand total of 6517.7 miles and first place of the HooHaa race.

Congrats to Gunny and his missile based Electric Bug.


  1. Now I'm really glad mine got to Hawaii. All I need is one vacationer to pick it up and bring it home and I will have a good chance of catching up to Gunny.

  2. I think tripcyclone may have a huge advantage over my little bug. He's much more likely to get some tourist action.

  3. I'll get you, my pretties!!!
