Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Full Day Of Geocaching With My Daughter

I personally have felt the "Geocaching Bug" over the past week or so. You know what I mean, that unstoppable urge to go do some serious geocaching and you can think of nothing else. I was at that stage this weekend and today my full day of geocaching came to fruition.

8:00am and out the door with Daughter Geoness. My daughter has her moments, what pre-teen doesn't but when it comes to geocaching she is all business.

Now I know there are the hard core geocachers out there that said "8:00am? The sun is already up." Normally I would agree with you but it is only February and I don't want my kid getting sick for two weeks. I'm her dad, so there. Nanners. Anyways.

We are out the door with the car stocked with all the needed equipment, multiple gps units, back pack with grabber, army shoulder pack for the quick carries and coffee. Okay maybe a case of water, snacks and other munchies but I can't function without my java.

We hit our first cache of a potential 30 for the day. It covers a CacheRaid area from Knightdale, NC down through Clayton. Why only 30 geocaches you say? Our personal best so far is 18. Respectable sure but the issue we run into would be the numbers just don't matter that much to us. Once we start walking the trails and seeing what is around us the numbers loose their punch and the time together has more meaning. Today though we wanted to beat our record.
It turns out to be a quick skirt hide which was a great way to start. Nobody wants to begin with a DNF so we were off to the races. Next an ammo box in a brier patch then a lock 'n lock behind a fallen log and on we went.

What I am showing you here is something I never came across while geocaching. I won't say anything because it is worth watching the very short video. Enjoy.

The whole day was like this, one cool cache after the other. In fact, we found so many cool geocaches of every type, size and location we are making a GeoSnippits Video called "A Whole Day of Geocaching". Where our viewers will see what it is like caching in the Piedmont of North Carolina.

By the time we were done we had 21 Finds, 4 DNFs, 254 photographs and 25 segments of film in the can. Not to mention the shared memories that will last us a lifetime.

Here are a couple of photos from today to tide you over until the video comes out.

The GeoSnippits video should be out in the next couple of days. Be sure to check our GeoSnippits Website for further details...


  1. Well, that video didn't turn out the way I thought it would! Neat find.

  2. Looks like one heck of a fun afternoon of bonding. Interesting video. You going to turn that into a cache somewhere?

    A \'lil HooHaa

  3. lol fun find! I'm addicted to geocaching! nice post.. i'm usre i'll be back ;-)
