Tuesday, March 3, 2009

When You Gotta Go...

Rare snow geocaching in North Carolina. Interesting specimen of a geocache choice. Where's my hand sanitizer? Yeah I know the owner of this little guy and if you notice he didn't bother to even take off the label... Yuckie... At least it didn't have a name etched on it and yes I know the rule about eating yellow snow...


  1. Hehe! We've seen a lot of unique containers ourselves, but that would be a new one for me too! I guess at least you know that type of container is water-tight... :-O
    We did once find a micro hidden in the underside of fake doggie doo. Had to look reeeeeeeeal close first to make sure it was fake before I picked it up!

  2. The op is a really nice guy who happens to be in the corrections parole area of expertise so he has access to such delightful containers. In fact he has started an entire series of them. I always have the feeling of washing my hands after signing the logs...
