Monday, June 8, 2009

Summary of this Weekends Geocaching

This last Saturday Miss Geoness and I went out for the good part of the day to do some geocaching. We have been so busy lately attending CITO Events and filming GeoSnippits Episodes it was nice to just go out and do some caching.

We found 28 out of 30 in all, not bad for a lazy summer-like day. The key though was once again our intent was to really go for the numbers and once again it ended up us taking leisurely walks down shaded green ways and trails. I absolutely love being able to talk with Daughter Geoness who is pushing thirteen in the next couple of weeks. We make each other laugh and love sharing the moments of fun while geocaching, a blooming flower that caught our eyes or the inevitable fast chirping squirrel.

One of our highlights was Daughter Geoness finding a geocache we were unable to find in past tries known as a Did Not Find. I remember spending almost an hour with nothing to show for but some scraped up shins. This time she walked right up to it and happily exclaimed "Found It". I didn't have time to find ground zero and she was already signing the log. Heavy Sigh...

The geocache that impressed me today was a very well camouflaged rubber ducky. This was attached to a medium sized Lock and Lock boxed which was completely covered by a Camouflage Military Cloth. The cloth worked very well for hiding such a large geocache. I am going to look into this stuff for future use of one of my geocaches. ***Note I did some research and you can purchase camouflage cloth in just about any army surplus or hunting supply place.

One bitter sweet series of three geocaches included a very scenic joy to walk but the geocaches themselves were in terrible shape. We walked three miles total for three very soggy geocaches. The owner used very poor quality plastic containers that all were full with moldy water and everything inside was completely ruined. Wish they would have watched one of my GeoSnippits videos showing what NOT to use for a geocache.

When we realized that the day was coming to a close we packed up and headed for home. Knowing that we did a job well done. Can't wait for the next time we go out with GPS in hand. Always a good time will be had by all.

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend. As much as I like number days, I've found that I'm having more fun thinking of good placements, working on some Earthcaches and plotting relaxing days of caching. Less stress, which is what this game should be all about!

  2. My dad and I traipsed through the woods of PA almost every weekend. We'd try to get lost. We spied on cows and other critters. I'm sure we'd have geocached if it was around back then. As an adult I value those times with my dad. He's still my hero!

    The investment you're making in Miss Geonesse's life will pay off forever. I like seeing great father/daughter relationships in the spotlight.
