Sunday, November 1, 2009

When The Weather Sucks, Paint Some Ammo Cans

The weather in North Carolina has been extremely rainy. This is a far contrast from the 500 year drought we had a couple of years ago. So it appears that mother nature is replenishing the moisture content for the region in spades.

When it is as moist and gloomy as it has been it really shuts down my options. I can't really film any GeoSnippits and catching pneumonia just does not thrill me at the moment. What to do, what to do? Well if you are fortunate enough to have your own garage or very ventilated work space. Why not paint up some geocaches? In fact why not cammi up some ammo cans?

The photo above is the finished product of a very large ammo can I painted earlier this week. It has a primer base, green and brown flat paint over the primer and some textured paint highlights to top it off. This would be perfect for that wooded spot somewhere near you and since this is super sized you can really stock it up. Have you ever considered a large geocache theme like say books, music or DVDs? This particular size can hold a ton of swag and a themed geocache gives the swag an extra purpose.

Here is a link to my GeoSnippits Video: How To Paint Ammo Boxes.

So if you are bored and can't think of something to do. Why not go and get your next fantastic geocaching hides prepped for when the sun comes out and you're ready to get on the trails.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

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