Thursday, February 25, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Poorly Hidden Geocache

Every once in a while it happens with geocaches. You walk up to ground zero and you find the geocache in a really bad placement. This geocache was exposed yet in an area that originally had bushes to cover it but they have either died or have been removed.

So what do you do?

What you do is first verify the cache is not just laying on the ground and to see if maybe it fell out of it's true hidey hole. If this is not the case, all you can really do is rehide it as best as you can.

Do Not move the geocache more than a few feet from where you found it, if that. Nothing can cheese a geocache owner more than having somebody move their geocache to what the finder thinks is a better spot.

When in doubt, send the owner an email stating the situation. I am sure they would appreciate it...

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  1. I agree. Usually I'll throw a piece of bark on top or something. then I'll email the CO.

  2. I came across this just yesterday. A brand-new cache, just published & first-time hide for CO. I could see the cache as I approached it from the highway. I placed it back & covered it better then emailed the owner. It's always tough to decide where it "should" be or was before you found it.

    Good advice.
