Monday, March 15, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - No It's Under THAT Rock

Geocaching rock hides is like yogurt, it's an acquired taste.

I personally am slightly uncomfortable with them in North Carolina because of the rather wide assortment of snakes that frequent these parts. Let's just say that every rock turning is an adventure and poke it with a stick can mean the difference between a smiley and a trip to the hospital.

Anyways I usually give rock hides about 15 minutes before the fun factor runs out and I move on. Todays find, yes the pun is intended, if it twir a snake it would have bit me but thankfully it didn't.

I signed the Lunchtime Geocache of the Day log and moved on to a chicken sandwich. The area was very scenic and the pond with fountain was a pleasant view.
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1 comment:

  1. I attempted a cache in the middle Zambia Africa and had to go through tall grass (taller than me) for 170m in deep snake country. When I got to GZ it turned out to be a few piles of rocks with many holes. I had a poking stick in one hand and a machete in the other. I abandoned my quest when I found the skull of a python that was about a foot long - whatever killed that I was not interested in meeting!!

    BTW - check out

