Friday, April 2, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Ever Get That Creepy Feeling?

Yep today was the day that I really thought I was in for it. Have you ever wandered into a geocaching area and just get that creepy feeling of "uh-oh". Like the area just doesn't feel - right?

That was today's Lunchtime Geocache of the Day. It was flagged as a 2/2 so I thought okay, get in and get out. Err, no.

My first obstacle was having to cross a small stream. There were plenty of rocks to cross on but then again I noticed there were an awful lot of rocks in the area. So after a few moments of figuring out the correct path for me I was over the stream and walking straight into a very swampy area.

There were stumps, logs and just plain junk everywhere. The sun was warm today and the temps in the upper 80s. Perfect time and place for snakes. They just love to hide around such things to warm up after winter's cold.

"Perfect", I thought to myself. This is where I am going to get it. So let's just say I looked everywhere I could while getting to ground zero. After .10 of a mile I made it to the likely spot even though there were tons of places it could have been. Where was it? Why in a broken down stack of wooden slats. Oh goody.

Fortunately for me I took the basics on this hunt. I had my trusty pack and my walking pole. Believe you-me in this situation you need gloves and something to prod the ground while walking (remember swampy) and all the possible hidey holes for snakes.

The most interesting thing to me is through this entire adventure I did not see a single snake, not one. Not that I am complaining mind you but I figured if ever there was a place to see one this was it.. Ah well time for some grub.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

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