Friday, May 21, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Get Out And Geocache

I have been so busy lately that I sort of fell out of my lunchtime geocaching groove. Today the sun was shining and it was a sweet 85 degrees out. I had to get a find or go into withdrawals. This nicely done geocache was near an athletic field and about 50 feet in a nearby woods. A great walk in a very scenic setting. Good times.
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  1. Wish I COULD do some 'caching on my lunchtime, but I'm one of those less-lucky "hourly" people who only get a half-hour for lunch, and all of the caches close-by, I've already found!

  2. I pop in a read your blog every so often. How long is your lunch hour? And how many caches are IN your area? I'm impressed at how you seem to go caching nearly every day!
