Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hiking and geocaches: Grape-Kötcse wheels 14km

I just love receiving geocaching videos from all around the world. Here 'Watchup0' sent us a really visually nice video from Hungary. Check it out!

The google translation that went with the video came out as this:

Hiking and geocaches: Grape-Kötcse wheels 14km
Hiking and geocaching videolog.
Hiking in the Somogy Hills, 10km from the lake.
The recordings were made on 13 March.

If you can't see the viewer above you can see the entire video by clicking the link here:

Thanks so much for sharing your geocaching adventures. Send more please!

Keep Up With Andy HeadHardHat Smith via his websites:

Geocaching World - Internet TV Show (RVNN.TV)

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right? - HHH's Award Winning Blog

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Check out RVNN.TV: Geocaching World

Check out this podcast on iTunes:

Cover Art

RVNN.TV: Geocaching World

Andy 'Head Hard Hat' Smith


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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Geocaching World: Geek of the Week Challenge

Geocaching World's

The RVNN crew came up with a really great weekly challenge for everyone who comes to our chatroom while we are recording Geocaching World.

It is called the Geocaching World: Geek of the Week Challenge.

This is really cool and you can win some really great prizes.

It goes something like this. You need to get a Ustream login by going to http://www.ustream.tv/ which takes about five seconds to do.

Next to officially qualify you need to send Courtney Wallin an email (cwallin@rvnn.tv) and put the word "geek" in the subject of the email and then give Courtney your Ustream login name. Courtney will then email a special code back to you.

Now the fun part. 

You recruit people to come to the Geocaching World chat room when we are taping our shows LIVE. You will know what day and times we will be taping by going to my blog here: http://headhardhat-geocache.blogspot.com/.
You then give your recruits your secret code (dont give your code to anybody else except your recruits!). Each week we will tally up all the people in the chat room and see who recruited who. We will also keep track of how many people you recruited. Each week we will mention the leader-board during the show and if we have any prize winners.

To Win Your Prizes.

When you eventually recruit 10 people to come to the chat room with your secret code. You will win a nice prize. If you eventually recruit 100 people you get much better prizes. Like RVNN hats, beverage mugs and more. There will also be other special prizes as well which will be announced at random in the chat room and on the show but this is how we are starting Geek of the Week.

This is going to get huge so start your recruiting right away and don't forget to enter with Courtney!


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Behind the Scenes: Geocaching Podcast - Episode #205: GPSr vs. Smartphones?

Well tonight's episode recording of Geocaching Podcast was interesting I will give you that. We did things a little different than usual and held, well a debate of sorts and with any debate you have to take a side. Regardless how you actually feel about the subject your role is to give the best points you can for your side of the debate. Tonight Darrylw4 took the side of Smartphones and their GPS usage against me who took the side of the tried and true GPSr. XpunkX was the casual passerby who was not sure which he wanted.

We really had a lot of fun with this and each of us had great points of which was better. Darrylw4 would make one of his informative insights and I would counter with a witty, ha-ha-ha and parry with a nugget of truth from my end. Well okay I didn't ha-ha-ha, but there was some times I really wanted to.

The end result was you the listener received a wealth of knowledge about both GPSr units and Smartphones so you can decide for yourself. If you want to see if I left Darrylw4 in the dust or if I am going to be coughing up dust bunnies for the next week. You will just have to listen to episode #205 when it comes out in the next couple of days. Truth is you will be glad you did.

Until next week........ oh WAIT. Almost forgot!!!  Next week is this month's Cacher Coffee so when you come to the Live recording on Wednesday at 9:30pm EST be sure to bring geocaching subjects of which to discuss. We want to hear from you. So don't forget!!! http://www.geocachingpodcast.com

Now, Until next week......


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

To Be Perfectly Frank, Ticks Suck.

Lone Star Tick
Well it is that time of year again where a common phrase that geocachers use comes into play. Just after either searching for a Geocache or maybe even a whole day of Geocaching the words "tick check" are spoken.

This is not only common to our game, sport and obsession but if you just plain go outside and enter any type of wooded area ticks can be an issue. What are ticks you say? Ticks are nasty little eight legged parasites that do nothing but want to suck the blood out of living critters including us and use that blood to nourish their young. They are small, fast, armor plated and can carry disease. One of them being Lyme disease.

So how small are ticks? Depending on the tick they can be the size of your keyboard question mark down to the size of the period. Each one has certain characteristics to identify them. In my area for example there are the brown deer ticks, the lone star with it's white dot on it's back or the itty bitty seed ticks. All have a pincher and serrated mouth that loves to drill into anything it feels will give a good meal. What is surprising about a tick bite in general is how powerful it is. As you pull the head from your skin it literally latches on stretching your skin till it releases with a sickening snap sound. There are whole procedures that you should read up about to correctly remove a tick and you can read some of them here: http://www.tickinfo.com/

Ticks are armored plated?  Yep, big time. You will not kill a tick by just slapping them. They will just laugh at you and continue on till they find food. If you find a tick walking on you just swipe it off or pick it up with your fingers. Then dispose of the little bugger. I have smacked ticks with a shoe and watch it keep walking on. They are that durable.

Words of advice: if you are in an area that is prone to have ticks do the following. When you enter the house consider all clothes to be the equal as if you walked into nuclear waste. Immediately take all of them and immediately wash. Remember ticks love to climb up your legs and move up to your mid section. They also love to fall onto your head, collar or get in through your button shirt and then work down. They are ambush bugs that actually wait near areas that have higher traffic walking by.

An actual tick check is when you have a loved one give you a good once over looking for ticks. Ticks seem to always find areas you can't easily see or reach and I mean ALL areas. Better to have someone you know check than get a bite.

I you do get bit, mark the date on the calendar it may be important if symptoms do start to appear and you can tell your doctor. If you start having flu like symptoms anytime near a tick bite go to the doctor immediately and have yourself checked out.

There are ways to slow down ticks but they are a hearty bug. Always take the time to make sure you do not have ticks on you after venturing outside.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Behind The Scenes: Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) - Geocaching Routes and Number Runs

I have to be straight with all of you. My head is still reeling from taping Geocaching World episodes #11 and #12. We had a really great time and had a huge amount of chat room and viewer activity. Thank you so much for joining us!

The evening started early when Dave Dufour the Creative Director of the show asked if I could come on RVNN Live. This was about half an hour before the normal start up time for Geocaching World. I really enjoy going on RVNN Live because it is just a bunch of us talking about pretty much everything and anything. You really don't get to see that LIVE interaction too much on television anymore.
After doing a short session on RVNN Live it was setup time for Geocaching World. Things started a tad later than usual but the chat room and viewers were having a good time as usual. The first show was #11 and dealt with Geocaching Routes and also how RVrs can utilize auto GPS units to find geocaches. We actually went on Geocaching.com and made a route to use as an example. Intermixed we talked about the benefits and pitfalls dealing with different GPS units while geocaching and I feel it gave some really great insights. We also had a bunch of questions from the chat room. Excellent show.
As usually inbetween each of the taping segments we talked about all things geocaching and conversed with the chat room. Our show absolutely rules the chat room while taping and I wouldn't have it any other way. Show #12 was about doing Number Runs. Why we do them, what they are like and what do you need to do to pull a successful run off. Great information and again a lot of interaction with the chat room.
You will have to watch the shows when it comes out on Itunes and all the other distribution points in a few weeks but be sure you do, you don't want to miss it.
Geocaching World: Geek of the Week!
I almost forgot! The RVNN crew came up with a really great challenge for everyone who comes to our chat room. The Geek of the Week Challenge. This is really cool and you can win some really great prizes.
It goes something like this. You need to get a Ustream login by going to http://www.ustream.tv/  which takes about five seconds to do. Next you need to send Courtney Wallin an email (cw@rvnn.tv) and put the word "geek" in the subject of the email and then give Courtney your Ustream login name. Courtney will then email a special code back to you.
Now the fun part. You recruit people to come to the Geocaching World chat room when we are taping our shows LIVE. You then give your recruits your secret code (don't give your code to anybody else except your recruits!). Each week we will tally up all the people in the chat room and see who recruited who. We will also keep track of how many people you recruited. When you eventually recruit 10 people to come to the chat room with your secret code. You will win a prize. If you eventually recruit 100 people you get better prizes. There will be other special prizes as well but this is how we are starting Geek of the Week. This is going to get huge so start your recruiting right away!
And don't forget to enter with Courtney!
See you next week. Keep an eye on my blog and what day we are recording Memorial Day week. It will most likely be Wednesday instead of our normal Mondays!!! -HHH

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Friday, May 20, 2011

Playing with GeoSphere on my IPad

GeoSphere Iphone App on Ipad 2
After re listening to this weeks Geocaching Podcast. I remembered the discussion I was having with Darrylw4 about the use of GeoSphere on the iPad. The actual discussion was why we would most likely NOT use the iPad 2 out in the field but because of it's use of Google Maps and having the ability easily to see all of the Geocache prospects at the same time and how it would be highly useful IN the car. That being said I took the plunge and purchased it. This is really just some first impressions and not a fair review. Since you have seen me play mostly with Blackberrys and Androids in the past I thought you would get a kick with me dipping into the Apple world.

Right off the bat I can say that there are currently no really satisfying Geocaching apps for the iPads. iPhones there are a good selection but not for the iPads. Yes I am aware of the one or two wannabes but they are not in the running with the big dogs. So when you install GeoSphere you are installing the iPhone version. Here's the issue with that. When you install an iPhone app on an iPad it is running an iPhone emulator. So you end up with the screen of an iPhone in the center of your iPad. If you attempt to 2x the screen the text of GeoSphere is very blurry and almost impossible to read. So the alternative is to zoom into the text with your fingers which does keep the clear text but you can then only see part of the screen within the iPhone emulator. I choose this as the lessees of two evils. At least you can read what you need.

Since GeoSphere does not have the ability in of itself to load the nearest Geocaches it takes you directly to the Geocaching.com website. So if you want to utilize your Pocket Queries you have to access your email (which GeoSphere actually provides the direct access) and then download it directly into the application. Nice feature but you have to take all these extra steps instead of wham bam - go. Not a show stopper.  Once you load your .gpx all the bells and whistles turn on and it runs very similarly to other Geocaching apps.

I won't have time to go Geocaching during my lunchtime today but I was able to load my Lunchtime GotD .gpx file and observe my next possible finds with a single glance. A very nice feature from GeoSphere I plan on using a lot.

More to come...


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) on Blubrry on Roku

Just in case you haven't heard. I am hosting a brand new Internet TV show called Geocaching World. It is on the RVNN.tv Network which is also known as the RVNewsNet. We have been recording two shows a week for the past month. It has been a complete riot because we record LIVE. That's right, on Monday nights around 6:30pm EST and if you log into RVNN Live you can not only watch us with all our behind the scene glory but you can also log into our chartroom and interact with us while we are doing the shows. How cool is that?

All the episodes we tape will eventually be available on RVNN.tv, ITunes and a host of other sites as well. One of the other cool things is you can right now go on the Blubrry website and in their search area put Geocaching World. there you can watch all of the available episodes as well. The REAL cool thing is Blubrry is available on Roku too. Roku is an Internet viewing box that you can hook to your television to access all sorts of Internet content. Everything from Netflix to you name it including Blubrry and all of the RVNN.tv shows! You can get all the information about Geocaching World, Internet TV, Roku and more at http://RVNN.tv.

You can go directly to the Geocaching World site on Blubrry here:

Check regularly to see the latest and greatest RVNN shows including Geocaching World.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Replacing Emoji...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Behind the Scenes of Geocaching Podcast: Episode #204 - EU Geocoinfest

Tonight's Geocaching Podcast was a bit unique. We had to do the LIVE recording of it at 7:30pm EST instead of the normal 9:30pm EST. The reason was because our guest "Guido" was from Germany and with the time change it was already 1:30am his time.

Guido was one of the organizers of the EU Geocoin Fest which will be held this August 28th, 2011 in Cologne, Germany. They are boasting it to be the largest Geocoinfest in the world. Apparently they are expecting 1400 geocachers on the main event day. The event goes that Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You can check out the Sunday event by looking up GC2GPHN.

Our guest speaker did a fantastic job and we thanked him for staying up so late and providing such a wonderful overview of everything that is going to go on. You really should listen to the Geocaching Podcast to understand the big picture of everything there.

As far as the early show banter XpunkX and Darrylw4 was a lot of fun as usual. Neither of the guys got to do much geocaching but we did discuss our new toys like XpunkX's new Iphone4 and my IPad 2. Fun was had by all. Be sure to again check out the show when it comes out in the next day or so.

Well that's all for now. Cya next week!


The Geocaching Podcast is recorded each week on Wednesday's at 9:30pm EST. Cya There.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Behind The Scenes: Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) - Geocache Containers and Photography While Geocaching

It seems like just days since the last time I recorded episodes for Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) oh wait. It was just days. In fact we taped episodes #7 and #8 just last Thursday and here we are again taping shows #9 and #10 on Monday. How come?

Turns out that we are heading smack dab into the Summer scheduling for RVNN.tv. Many of the people who work there have to adjust their schedules which means the shows get shifted around as well. So mark down your calendars for Monday nights at 6:30pm EST which is the new recording day for Geocaching World.
So what happened last night. Glad you asked. It was kind of weird to be honest. Courtney who is the producer of Geocaching World was out this week so I didn't get a chance to talk with her as usual. Bummer. Dave Dufour the Creative Director and Andy McCaskey, Managing Director were trying their best to get the job done but without Courtney the process was not as smooth as usual. Ah well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. We missed ya Courtney!
Show #9 dealt with geocaching containers, what to use and what NOT to use.  We demonstrated how to do a dunk test to see if your potential geocache is waterproof or not. Then we discussed what would make a good geocaching placement. There's lots more geocaching goodness of course but then I couldn't suggest for you to watch the episode when it comes out.
Viewer Challenge for this week is to go out and attend a Geocaching Event near you. There is no better way to become a part of the geocaching community and meet fellow geocachers at a geocaching event. Send in your pictures with you there: send to geocache@rvnn.tv
Show #10 dealt with geocaching and photography. We discussed the different major types of cameras that are available and which ones were the best to take out while geocaching. We had some really nice photo examples from a viewer who sent in some of their adventures including from London and Paris.
Viewer Challenge for Show #10 is to get your family, organization or just yourself and make a sign that says "We Love Geocaching World" and take a photo then send it it to geocache@rvnn.tv you may just get on our show!
Well that's all for this week. Be sure to check out RVNN LIVE where you may see some of the Geocaching World footage in the raw state. Really cool to watch or check out all our available shows on RVNN.tv or the Itunes store. See you next Monday at 6:30pm EST for another LIVE recording of Geocaching World.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Monday, May 16, 2011

Geocaching World Now Records LIVE on Monday Nights!

Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) which had been recording our LIVE shows on Thursdays is moving our shooting schedule to Mondays. Tonight to be precise.

In the past few weeks we have had record numbers of viewers coming to see us tape Geocaching World. We hope this day change won't put a kink in your plans and that you will be able to join us at 6:30 pm EST. It is the viewers who come watch us each week and converse with us in the Ustream chartroom that keeps us pumped up and having so much fun.

You can get all the details on our blog by going here: http://headhardhat-geocache.blogspot.com/
or go to the RVNN.tv website by going here: http://www.RVNN.tv for all the Geocaching goodness details.

See you tonight! Bring your comments, questions and suggestons we want to hear them.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Behind The Scenes: Geocaching World (RVNN) - Dave's First Time and Geocaching Travelers

Geocaching World is seen each week on RVNN.tv 
(Late edition this week, written Friday 5/13 -HHH)

Wow I am beat. Last night while recording I was hoping that we could do it again and meet or beat the record amount of viewers that showed up like they did last week. Much to everybody's delight we did and then some. Yeppers, I personally want to thank everyone who showed up to Thursday's LIVE recording of Geocaching World.  It was really amazing. Andrew McCaskey the Managing Director for RVNN.tv kept holding up signs that I could read during the recording which showed as the number of viewers grew and grew and grew... Way too cool.

Then Courtney Wallins who is the producer for Geocaching World had a blast chatting with everyone who joined the Ustream chat room. We received tons of great comments, questions and requests for future shows. Dave Dufour who is the Creative Director was doing a great job plugging for the upcoming Roadcast Reporters which we are going to need and a lot of viewers wanted in on that.

Just to give you an idea how much fun we had, the initial setup for recording Geocaching World started about 6:15pm EST. That is usually when everybody does the last minute setup in the studio, I get called in via Skype and we do a lot of pre show conversation. We tape two shows a night which includes three segments per show. The funny part about our tapings is that we actually talk more about geocaching in between the sets then we do during the actual show. We get a whole lot of interaction with the folks in the live chat room. There you can ask questions, give comments and suggestions and just plain be a part of the show. During taping we do mention what is going on in the chat room and that keeps us all pumped up. After the tapings of both shows had completed we had so many people watching and in the chat room we decided to stick around and talk even more. I don't think we finished up till after 10pm. Had such a great time with everybody and we encourage everyone to come back again each week.

Again thanks to everyone who joined us and we hope to see you each and every time we record. The shows not the same without you. In case you didn't know we usually record two shows a week. Check my blog or RVNN.tv for details on exactly when. It does change around from time to time.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Thursday, May 12, 2011

HHH's Geocache of the Day: Meeting up with a Geocache OP

I almost thought that today's Geocache of the Day was going to be a complete bust and yet it was one of my more pleasant experiences. It first started out with me trying to experiment with Opencaching.com's new app for the Android. There was not a whole lot of geocaches registered near me except for one. It happened to be inside a county park and appeared to be a bit of a bushwhack from a hiking trail. With all the heavy rain last night and today I was not all that excited about getting wet but hey I have responsibilities to my viewers. So onward I drove.

As I entered into the park I knew I was going to be in trouble for this particular hide. Because of all the rain the county park actually closed down all the trails within the park today. Well, bummer. I didn't want to go away with a goose egg and I wanted to respect the park rules so I whipped out my geocaching app and found an alternative find. Back on the road again.

This particular geocache actually peaked my interest right away. It dealt with the presence of a particularly cool tree. I like unusual trees, don't know why but I find them fascinating. As I approached ground zero I knew instantly the point of interest.  As I was searching I heard some rustling behind me and then the sound of a pleasant "Hello". The owner of the geocache happened to be driving by when I was searching and decided to see how I was doing.

We talked about geocaching for a good bit and after a very nice conversation the op had to move on and quite frankly so did I. Quickly I snapped a few photos of this cool tree and I was on my way to the nearest drive-thru. Once again this points out how friendly many geocachers are and one of the things we do enjoy is the reactions and comments given about our hides.

Until the next geocaching adventure...


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Behind The Scenes: Geocaching Podcast Show #203 - Magellan eXplorist 610 Waterproof Hiking GPS

Last night's show was a lot of fun and we were able to talk about a rather cool piece of GPSr hardware, the Magellan eXplorist 610 Waterproof Hiking GPS

It was really kind of funny. Normally before the 9:30PM EST show actually begins XpunkX, Darrylw4 and myself usually drop in about 15 minutes early to work out any preshow discussions. What usually happens is we immediately start talking about the subject of the evening and off we go. It's infectious and we can't help it. We just love to talk about geocaching stuff and as we were gabbing, I looked at the chat room discussion and noticed one of the listeners stating that they were mad at themselves for obviously missing the first part of the show. Then another listener said naw, the show hasn't started yet and we were just yacking as usual. I guess we do dig into a subject pretty well on the Geocaching Podcast. Anywho...
The early show banter was fun as usual, Darrylw4 was feeling better after being sick last week and actually missed last week's podcast. XpunkX has upped his biking usage including riding to work and I talked about some new geocaches I made out of paint ball carrier containers. You can get all the details when you listen to the actual podcast.
The main discussion for the evening dealt with the Magellan eXplorist 610 Waterproof Hiking GPS. XpunkX actually got his hands on one and took it out for a spin. Then we discussed what he found out about it including likes and dislikes. Then we tackled all the available features and how it compared to other models. It is a really extensive discussion and I highly recommend listening to the show for all the great details.
Well that's all for now about the Geocaching Podcast. Remember we record LIVE each and every week on Wednesdays, 9:30PM EST. Be sure to drop on by our website at http://www.gecachingpodcast.com for details on how to meet with us in the Talkshoe chat room. CYA next week!

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

HHH's Geocache of the Day: Why Do We Geocache?

What is it that compels us to go geocaching? I realize that is a blank check question and everybody has their own motivation. Yet the question remains, why do we love it so much? I personally can only give my viewpoint and a bit from others who have told me their thoughts. My conclusion is there is no definitive reason, usually there are multiple motivations. As I searched for today's Geocache of the Day I reflected on exactly what I was getting out of this amazing obsession.

First and foremost geocaching is just plain fun to do. You are given a goal to go out into an area that is most likely unfamiliar and explore it. Many times in terrains we don't normally venture into. I mean how many times does the expression , " wow this one is in a swamp", come into a conversation?  Then there is the exploration itself. We are not always comfortable with the areas we go into but that can also be a very powerful and fun aspect in of itself. We have to take that deep breath and just do it. Sometimes it is uneventful while others present opportunities of wonder we never would have experienced if it was not for geocaching.

Next bring on the hunt. Whether it is a park and grab or a difficulty five geocache you never know what exactly is involved with finding that cache until you go after it. Even the easy ones can demand logical thinking and "where the heck is it?" moments no matter how experienced you are. Then try to explain to a muggle the exhilaration that comes when you actually do find the geocache itself. After thousands of finds I have never uncovered a geocache and exclaimed, "oh, look there it is, ".  The day I do that is the day I turn in my GPS!

There really is not enough space on this blog's server to fully answer my thoughts of why do we go geocaching. What is great about this game, sport and obsession is that it is so vast in scope and has so many positive aspects to not only continue to grow in popularity but expand our imaginations. That alone will keep geocaching going for a very long time. What gets you to go out and go geocaching. I would love to hear from you!
Until the next geocaching adventure...

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Michigan Magazine: Show 1619 Winter Fest - Winter camping - Morel Mushroom Hunting - Maile Family Geocaching

Michigan Magazine and GeoSnippits
Recorded on 5/11/2011 Join us for the 5th annual Rifle River State Rec Area WINTERFEST. Guest: Ranger Eric Cowing DNRE. We learn about the new State Recreational Passport and winter time camping in the park. We interview "hammock camping" enthusiats. Then we visit the Mio area for Springtime Morel Mushroom hunting and eating. The family Geocaching with Andy Smith and the Maile family.

If the viewer above is not present you can see the entire episode via Ustream by clicking this link:

You can see GeoSnippits on Michigan Magazine TV each and every week on the RFDTV Network.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

HHH's GotD: Ammo Boxes

Small Cami Ammo Box Geocache
Everybody has their own preferences when it comes to geocaching. Maybe it is the number of geocaches one can find in a day. Others enjoy being out in the fresh air and experiencing something other than a work cube or other enclosed space. For me it is the geocaching containers themselves that gets me going and one of my personal favorites are Ammo Boxes. 

I don't know if it is because there are so many possibilities of things an ammo box can hold or if it's the pirate within I just have to open up the chest to see the booty inside. I always seem to move just a little quicker when I now the size of a geocache is a regular. You just never know what types of treasure you may find.

Open Ammo Box
Sure most of the time the 'treasure' is dollar store swag but the principle of treasure hunting is still there. For added excitement throw in the kid factor. Watch and you will see their faces light up like a holiday morning. It's infectious and you can feel their excitement. I know because I feel the same way. What can I say, I'm obsessed.

So let's talk a bit about these sturdy geocaching containers. An ammo box is usually metal and was used at one time or another for holding and transporting ammunition or other important items. They are extremely rugged, water proof (or at least really resistant) and above all inexpensive. A small ammo can can run you $4 to $6US. A large around $15 to $18US. There are many places to purchase them but my favorite is at our local Army surplus store.

There are several sizes of ammo boxes: There are the smalls that have a single lock on the side and a handle on top. The mediums that can very in height and width. I have seen them tall and skinny and short and stocky. All depends on what they were used for. Then my favorite the larges. Usually they have a lock on each side and can carry a ton of stuff.

Ammo boxes are great fun to find. Because of their size the resourcefulness behind the hide can be quite unique. It is always based on the creativity of the hider. Many people simply cami up an ammo box and hide them under the proverbial 'tee-pee of sticks' others have more in-depth hiding places. All are filled with the anticipation of geocaching goodness.

Until the next geocaching adventure...


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Monday, May 9, 2011

HHH's Geocache of the Day: A Walk in the Park

In my humble opinion, there is nothing quite like taking a few moments to appreciate a local park. There are so many varieties and geocaching is one of the ways we can find out where they are. We have heard it before when a geocacher exclaims that they would never have known that a particular point of interest existed unless it was for geocaching and in my own personal experience have found it also to be the case. There are tons of neighborhood parks that I would have never known was there without it being for a treasure chest on a map and once found it very difficult to bring myself leaving them.

I am not sure which ones I like more. There are the large parks with all their amazing trails of which to explore or is it the quaint parks that are just big enough for a bench and some well placed landscaping? I found one not too long ago which had apparently been there for quite some time and was so lush with ivy it almost felt like you where in some sort of oasis from another land. It had a feel and smell to it that is hard to explain and you were compelled to just sit there for a few moments and just soak in the tranquility. A real change for those of us who are so often never taking time to smell the roses.

Today's Geocache of the Day I found myself in one of the larger parks that not only had some nice trails but some really sweet baseball fields. The geocache was hidden a few hundred feet from one of these fields and I was surprised by how many softballs in the nearby woods that were never collected. Ah well, time for a quick lunch and back to the grind.

-Until the next geocaching adventure...


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Friday, May 6, 2011

HHH's GotD: Geocaches That Make You Go - Awesome!

Ceramic Mushroom Geocache

Geocaching is one of those amazing activities that allows you as the finder almost unlimited opportunities of discovery. What I mean by that is some geocaches are hidden in a way that they do not want to be found so you have to use logic and reasoning to find them. Others are placed in more obvious hiding spots and you get the enjoyment of the find without having to wrack your brains over it. Yet even others fall into that category I like to call as "Awesome". It isn't necessarily what is in the hide but the geocache container itself. Those geocache containers that you can just see the creativity and it literally makes you smile when you see it.

Today's Geocache of the Day was one of those types of hides. The placement was out in the middle of a fairly dense woods and off the trail by quite a bit. I figure it would have to be because you wouldn't want something like this to be muggled. If you look at today's photo you will see a really cool ceramic mushroom. It was so neat to be looking around for what I thought would be a typical geocache container and to find this almost mythical looking item just sitting there. Awesome!

Just another example of how creative geocachers can be and what makes this splendorous activity what it is.

Until the next geocaching adventure...


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Behind the Scenes of Geocaching World - Episodes #5 and #6 Repairing Geocaches and Muggles

Had a REALLY great time tonight recording Geocaching World (RVNN.tv). The gang was all here with Dave Dufour, Andy McCaskey and Courtney Wallin at the wheel.

Today was special in of itself. RVNN has been doing a bit of an experiment this past week by running RVNN LIVE. An hour long show with Dave, Andy, Courtney and Jerimae Yoder presenting different aspects of RVNN right from the command board. So instead of doing just an hour of Live taping they did 12 hours worth including the recordings of Geocaching World. A rather large amount of viewers had been watching during this time. When Geocaching World did it's recording they had a comparitively huge amount of viewers, I love geocachers, you guys and gals are the best!

In the first 30 minute show (show #5) we discussed having an Emergency Geocaching Repair Kit. This included what was in it and why it is such a great idea to have one nearby. Show #6 discussed everything Muggles. How to identify them and how to make ourselves less obvious. It was a whole lot of fun and I highly recommend checking them out when they air in the near future. There is so much more not mentioned in todays blog post. I don't want to give away too many spoilers. Check out each week on RVNN.tv and soon you will be able to download Geocaching World on Itunes. Get all the details about Geocaching World and RVNN by going to RVNN.tv.

Thanks again for being a big part of our show! Keep those questions and comments coming.

Until next week.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Thursday, May 5, 2011

HHH's GotD: Sign Geocaches

Sign, sign everywhere's a sign or something like that. For the geocacher that likes quick park and grabs and really wants a high amount of numbers. A sign style geocache can be just as popular as a LPC (Lamp Post Caches). I have seen entire series of geocaches placed in, on or around signs.

Today's lunchtime Geocache of the Day was necessary because of the impending thunder storms in the area. So I had to move fast. It turned out to be a cute little red bison tube with a.magnet glued on it to keep in place. Always a winner in my book when going for a fast smiley.

Just remember that sign hides can be tricky depending on the hider. I have seen several that the geocache owner put just that little bit of extra effort into it and the geocacher marked a DNF because the usual looking spots were vacant. My advice is check everything and everywhere. The obvious many times holds the key to success. Hows that for geo-cryptic.

Until tomorrow's geocaching adventure.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Geocachers - Join us LIVE Tonite in the Geocaching World Internet TV Show (RVNN.tv)

Ever want to see a TV show while it is being recorded? Want to be involved with the show itself? Join us tonight at 6:30pm EST as we record the next two episodes of Geocaching World.

It's really easy, go to this link at 6:30 EST: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/rvnn-live

Sign in to Ustream and then go into the chat-room. The reason we ask you to sign in to Ustream is because your name will show up in the chat-room instead of the default "guest". 

Then join in the fun.

We constantly read the chat room discussions during the taping and if you have a geocaching question or comment we will try and answer it for you right there. So come on down!

*Note, because this is LIVE things do not always go as planned so if we are a bit late starting or you see and hear us doing production stuff it is because that is what happens during tapings. So sit back, relax and enjoy the goodness.

See you there!


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Behind the Scenes: Geocaching Podcast - Episode #202: Cacher Coffee

Wow what a great Geocaching Podcast tonight. It was our May Cacher Coffee where essentially it's an open forum where anybody can talk about anything geocaching related. Normally it has a really laid back meet and greet kind of feel to it. Except... Darrylw4 wasn't going to be here tonight. Apparently he had become ill and just couldn't make it. Which meant for the first official time it was going to be just XpunkX and myself.. No pressure.

Actually we had a ton to talk about tonight and I won't give all the details (cuz we want you to listen to the podcast) but here are some of the highlights:

XpunkX and I discussed our geocaching of the week. X had yet another rainy week. Apparently one of our listeners who is from the Ohio/Kentucky boarder stated they have already had over 13 inches of rain so far. Amazing. So I guess I can't raz XpunkX too much for that. My account for the week talked about some of my Geocache of the Day encounters with a geocache OP and an interesting Hide in Plain Sight cache.

The bulk of the show was discussion about the brand new updates to Geocaching.com's website. Things we liked, disliked and a good discussion about the Groundspeak-sponsored geocaches and what did that possibly mean?

There were a bunch of other good bits of information through out the show but the story that a fellow geocacher brought up about a family made travel bug really hit home, especially for me. It is an amazing story that you just must hear so be sure and listen to Episode #202 coming out in the next day or so..

Darrylw4 get well soon and we missed you not being here!


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

HHH's Geocache of the Day: And To All A Little Rain Must Fall

Bison Tube in Homemade Mold
Well ya know it sounded like a good idea at the time.  Today's Geocache of the Day adventure had a geocache that was only 500 or so feet off a nearby parking lot. It was a 1.5 / 1.5 so no big deal right? Well.....

Long story short I thought this was going to be a really easy park and grab and it turned out being one of my longer recent hikes which actually took me around said parking lot, over a busy street bridge, down to a greenway and then the .20 mile hike to where the geocache actually was. The find itself only took about ten minutes but whilest the searching continued the sound of oncoming thunder grabbed my attention. It was one of those times in the woods where it was so still you could hear the rain coming and I had a bit of a hike before I was going to be back in my cachemobile. Oh Goodie!

As I hastily finished signing the log and placed it back into it's geocache host the rain started. It was just sprinkles but the drops were large and I knew if I didn't get to my car soon I was going to have a very moist afternoon at work. So on I trodded down the greenway. Fortunately for me the rain suddenly halted and I did make it to my car in resonably good fashon. In fact it was not long after that the deluge hit and I was very grateful for the timing of this rain cloud.

This little lesson taught me that the quickest route to a geocache is sometimes not the plausable one and even though the sky does not look threatning at the time an unexpected storm can always hit us unaware. The best thing to do is be prepared though sometimes things just happen. Enjoy the experience and have fun geocaching anyways. At the very least it makes a great story.

Until tomorrows geocaching adventure.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

HHH's Geocache of the Day: Sometimes You Have To Sits And Thinks

Bison Style Pill Container Hung In Grate
Today's Geocache of the Day was during the evening hours instead of my normal lunchtime fun. It was a relatively easy geocache but the situation depended on some tact and patience. The hide itself was well in the open and very close to a highly muggle prown area. Because of the timing of this particular find there seemed to be quite a few. So instead of leaving I did the next best thing. I sat down and waited. Most of the muggles quickly dispersed except for one minivan. They just sat there and sat and sat. So of course I countered with my 'fake' talking on my cellphone. It was a glorious conversation based semi on a recent incident and actually went on for several minutes. It must have been pretty good because they eventually gave up waiting and left. After that it was a very quick find. Especially since I was looking directly at the geocache the entire time.
So there you have it. Muggles are everywhere and if you want that smiley it will take a bit of patience to make the find. Doing simple things like talking on your phone or other activities can get you the prize.
Until tomorrow's next geocaching adventure.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Monday, May 2, 2011

HeadHardHats Geocache of the Day: Hiding in Plain Sight

Check out this PVC geocache host

Today's GotD was one that I deem 'Hiding in plain sight'. These geocaches are so unusual that when hidden, if you can call it that, they are completely ignored by just about everyone. Everyone except for the geocachers that go looking for them. In today's example you see a PVC geocache that was strapped to a telephone pole. the telephone pole was on an empty intersection so the muggle count would be minimal. I just find it interesting how successfully it is marked and yet remains untouched. It is not a puzzle cache, you simply unscrew the bottom and the cache container is revealed. Very cool. I wonder how many variants to a theme this can present? Have you found obvious geocaches right in the middle of everything?

Until tomorrows next geocaching adventure...

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) Is Now Available - Go And Watch Our Show!

Wow how quickly things happen. Just two weeks ago we started the live recordings of our new Internet show Geocaching World. Starting now Geocaching World is available to you each and every week on RVNN.tv.

There are several ways to see our show. Find out what works best for you:

  • Go to www.rvnn.tv and click on the Geocaching World Icon for this weeks show.
  • Go to www.rvnewsnet.com and click Shows then Geocaching World to see all the recent available shows.
  • Get us through Itunes, RSS and many other mobile feeds.

or Right Here:

Please be sure to join us when we record our shows LIVE. Be a part of the show and meet up in our studio chat room.. Check this blog each week for the date and times we are recording.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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