Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Behind The Scenes: Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) - Geocaching Routes and Number Runs

I have to be straight with all of you. My head is still reeling from taping Geocaching World episodes #11 and #12. We had a really great time and had a huge amount of chat room and viewer activity. Thank you so much for joining us!

The evening started early when Dave Dufour the Creative Director of the show asked if I could come on RVNN Live. This was about half an hour before the normal start up time for Geocaching World. I really enjoy going on RVNN Live because it is just a bunch of us talking about pretty much everything and anything. You really don't get to see that LIVE interaction too much on television anymore.
After doing a short session on RVNN Live it was setup time for Geocaching World. Things started a tad later than usual but the chat room and viewers were having a good time as usual. The first show was #11 and dealt with Geocaching Routes and also how RVrs can utilize auto GPS units to find geocaches. We actually went on Geocaching.com and made a route to use as an example. Intermixed we talked about the benefits and pitfalls dealing with different GPS units while geocaching and I feel it gave some really great insights. We also had a bunch of questions from the chat room. Excellent show.
As usually inbetween each of the taping segments we talked about all things geocaching and conversed with the chat room. Our show absolutely rules the chat room while taping and I wouldn't have it any other way. Show #12 was about doing Number Runs. Why we do them, what they are like and what do you need to do to pull a successful run off. Great information and again a lot of interaction with the chat room.
You will have to watch the shows when it comes out on Itunes and all the other distribution points in a few weeks but be sure you do, you don't want to miss it.
Geocaching World: Geek of the Week!
I almost forgot! The RVNN crew came up with a really great challenge for everyone who comes to our chat room. The Geek of the Week Challenge. This is really cool and you can win some really great prizes.
It goes something like this. You need to get a Ustream login by going to http://www.ustream.tv/  which takes about five seconds to do. Next you need to send Courtney Wallin an email (cw@rvnn.tv) and put the word "geek" in the subject of the email and then give Courtney your Ustream login name. Courtney will then email a special code back to you.
Now the fun part. You recruit people to come to the Geocaching World chat room when we are taping our shows LIVE. You then give your recruits your secret code (don't give your code to anybody else except your recruits!). Each week we will tally up all the people in the chat room and see who recruited who. We will also keep track of how many people you recruited. When you eventually recruit 10 people to come to the chat room with your secret code. You will win a prize. If you eventually recruit 100 people you get better prizes. There will be other special prizes as well but this is how we are starting Geek of the Week. This is going to get huge so start your recruiting right away!
And don't forget to enter with Courtney!
See you next week. Keep an eye on my blog and what day we are recording Memorial Day week. It will most likely be Wednesday instead of our normal Mondays!!! -HHH

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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