Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Behind the Scenes: Geocaching Podcast - #216 -

One of the things that I love about the game, sport and obsession of geocaching is it's diversity. Oh sure you have the lead players but you also have a whole lot of others that are not trying to undermine the activity of geocaching but improve it. In tonight's episode of the Geocaching Podcast we talked with friend of the show DudleyGrunt and from

What is you may ask? Great question. is a geocaching listing site. Just like, and They all deal with the activity of geocaching but each in their own way. For example there are certain types of geocaches that you will only find on that may not be on another site. The restrictions and limitations may be less, the way a geocache is reviewed while being placed may be different. The whole point is you do not have to rely on one geocaching site and may feel more comfortable with a combination of them. That whole spice of life kind of thing...

In tonight's show we heard XpunkX get down right excited about the latest beta release of GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife). Darrylw4 didn't get too much in Geocaching wise and yours truly HeadHardHat is pretty much fed up with the constant 100 degree weather but did get a new toy. Yeppers my new mike is from a company called Blue and is the Yeti model. I likey!

We were really happy to get DudleyGrunt and to be our guests tonight. They are both extremely involved with and the perfect people to ask why someone would want to do their geocaching with this listing service. It was a great half hour of interesting facts and perspectives.

I don't want to give too much away so by all means listen to the entire show when it becomes available in the next day or so. You can get the show from Itunes and the Geocaching Podcast website.

You can join us each and every week on Wednesday 9:30pm EST via our Talkshoe Chat room and we also are now running Google+ hangout sessions. Get all the details from our website at

See you next week!


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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1 comment:

  1. The Yeti is indeed an awesome mic. Had mine since Christmas time and love it to bits! :)
