Friday, August 19, 2011

Okay Yes, I Made A Challenge....

I can't help it. I am Obsessed you know when it comes to geocaching.

So I took the plunge and made my first Photo Challenge. It's fairly simple and yet has just a hint of giving geocaching advice which I also can't help but do. This is what it looks like:

I figured if I can use the challenges as a teaching tool then all the better for the geocachers that actually learn something from it. I have pretty much convinced myself that this will the angle I will be creating them to do.

Will see if geocachers like them or not. I wonder how I could make this world wide? If anybody knows, please email me at

Have fun and be safe out there!

What are your thought's about the new geocaching challenges. Would love to hear from you.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at


  1. I had taken the poke it with a stick message to heart and it proved good advice recently. Was out getting a cache called "Superstitions: Scorpions" and had retrieved the cache without a problem and found the plastic scorpion in the cache. Then as I was getting ready to put it back, I saw what I thought was a plastic beasty for guarding for outside the cache. Luckly I grabbed a stick to dig it out, since it actually was a live salamander that wasn't really happy to have been uncovered.

  2. Has it already been archived for being locationless?
