Friday, March 22, 2013

Some After Work Geocaching And A Scout Master

Went to pick up my girlfriend from work and picked up some geocaches before hand. 

Yes i told her first... 

Had two nice finds and a DNF letterbox. 

On the way back to the car from my second find I just happened to  meet up with scout master Paul. He heard me talking about geocaching to my recorder which then stroke up the conversation. We talked about the geocaching merit badge that is available to scouts and also his pet peeve with scouts who do not learn how to use a manual compass. This too is one of my wishes for geocachers to too learn how to use a manual compass correctly for those circumstances where their smartphone or GPS fails them and they know how to get back to their car. We talked for quite a bit and Paul had explained to me that their is actually a training course in a nearby park that is used for manual navigation. I was intrigued and so hopefully in the not too distant future will have Paul on the show to talk about manual navigation. Can't wait.

Now I need to get Amy before I have to geocache in the dog house.

See you out on the trails...


1 comment:

  1. I look forward to your "manual navigation" topic on a future episode. I just started to get involved with the Boy Scouts as the Geocaching Merit Badge counselor for my son's troop.
