Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Cool Way To Watch And Listen To Your Favorite Podcasts On Your Television - BeyondPod

I was playing last night with my new early Christmas present, which happens to be a Chromecast.  If you don't know the Chromecast is a very cool $35.00USD device that plugs into the HDMI slot which is on most newer televisions. Once set up, which takes a couple of minutes, Chromecast then connects said TV through your wifi network to your smartphone, tablets and computers. There then is an ever growing list of applications that can be then shown on the big screen.  For more information you can check Chromecast here: http://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/devices/chromecast/

Now for the really cool part.

Besides the necessity applications which are already from chromecast, there is one in particular that immediately caught my eye. It's name is BeyondPod and it is for Android. Why all the hub-bub? Through Chromecast you can now watch and/or listen to all of your favorite podcast through your television! I easily subscribed many of my favorite podcasts and with a push of a button was able to watch some of my Geocaching World episodes and then listen to last week's GeoSnippits Reboot Podcast with buttery smoothness of either my Nexus 7  or Galaxy S3.

BeyondPod boasts thousands of free audio and video shows around the world including custom playlists. I already created a geocaching list for obvious reasons.

So if you get a Chromecast during this holiday season and you love podcasts be sure to checkout BeyondPod. You will be glad you did. http://www.beyondpod.com/Android/


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1 comment:

  1. Bloggers who don’t have time or don’t like to read may prefer to listen to audio content or watch videos. BeyondPod allows you to subscribe, download, listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts on-the-go. This app is extremely useful for bloggers who are driving a lot because for them, there is very little reading time.
