Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Really Sweet Article About Little Ole Me

How did that country singer put it? It's all about me, all about I, all about number one....

Well as much as I like blogging, twittering and gabbing with everybody about some of my accomplishments in the geocaching universe. I REALLY enjoy giving helpful information out to the world and hopefully make geocaching easier for those who would like it. That's the whole reason I started GeoSnippits.

I must be doing something right because in just a few months I have over 26 thousand views on the You Tube videos. My blogs and the GeoSnippits website is seen literally all around the planet. I am featured on the Find Me The Movie and Trimble Outdoors Geocache Navigator websites and I am talking to Barry Stutesman from Michigan Magazine TV, among other interesting upcoming things. Who knew?

But I digress, enough about me. Let's talk about... me.

If you read Monday's post I talked about a very nice interview with Darcie Gudger from the Denver Examiner. Below is Darcie's actual article. Take a moment and give it a glance won't you?

Darcie Gudger's Denver Examiner Article Here.

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    You become much of a celebrity. You deserve it and it's a reward for all the effort you put in the snippets. I wish my blog will have as much attention some day too.

    Eddy / Searchjaunt
