Friday, April 16, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - When GPSrs Go Stupid

Yes, yes I found today's Lunchtime geocache but not without it's added adventures.

Ever have the situation with your GPSr (especially the auto ones) where you have a geocache selected and you are happily following the voice in the box only to discover that your current destination is no where near where the geocache actually is? If it happens to be by an Interstate it is even worse because most GPSr units don't know that you can't just turn right like on regular roads. This one in particular not only had the Interstate problem but was hidden on the far side of a bunch of huge complexes with no close-by streets to follow so it quickly turned just down right stupid.

It would have made a good video actually. GPSr unit #1 was constantly saying out loud "ReCalculating - ReCalculating" while GPSr unit #2 had the satellite view on so I could figure out how to get from one parking lot to the next. Really good "Which way did he go?" comedy. At one point I thought I had made a breakthrough only to discover the parking lot I needed to get into was just on the other side of a large pond with no connections to speak of.. Heavy Sigh.

Finally I made it over to where I was supposed to be and then realized that I would have to climb down a very steep 40 foot hill covered with pine needles. What could happen? I'm sure one of the small pine trees would slow my decent... Luckily it wasn't needed but I was already so far into the %@*$ it! stage I didn't care.

Fortunately the find was only about 300 feet into the woods and no snakes or other goodies seemed to want to deal with me at the time. So the find itself was pretty easy. I left a Sponge Bob Toy and a First Aid Kit just cuz. Signed the log and high tailed it to the nearest drive-thru for a quick ride back to my cube. It would appear the GPS had a much easier time getting me back to work than to find this out of the way geocache.

Now if I can just get that "ReCalculating - ReCalculating" out of my head.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

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