Saturday, April 17, 2010

TreasureCache TV Show Getting Ready To Shoot

Well we still can't give you all the details about the geocaching TV show TreasureCache. Though we can tell you this. The pilot will be shot in the next couple of weeks and we are getting some of the props ready now. Here you see Miss Geoness preparing one of our treasure chest props that will be seen in the title sequence of the show and on the sets. Based from our resources we have a lot of miles to travel this summer and many geocachers to meet and geocaches to find.

I can't wait. Hope you feel the same. More details soon.
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  3. Edit: People of other countries can watch the show in the internet?

    Love your show a big hello from Portugal!

  4. Greetings Ricardo,

    From what I have been told the show will be shown world wide. I am not sure how many countries in the very beginning but we will make sure everyone gets to see it.. Thanks for asking!


  5. Looking forward to the show, HHH. Hope we run into you some time. Maybe we'll make one of our duckies in your honor-- or send you a Traveling Ducky.
