Friday, April 30, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Don't Have To Tell Me Twice

Today's Lunchtime GotD was a bit on the bizarre side. So could someone tell me why they would have to double up a 35 mile an hour speed limit sign?

Inside was a double nano waiting. That would be two nanos glued together and both holding logs. That will take a while to fill.

Very interesting.

Do I smell lunch?

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - I Could Have Left But I Didn't - What to do when confronted by muggle management.

Here we go. A simple lunchtime geocache of the day could have turned real ugly, real fast.

The geocache was placed near a bus stop directly next to a store in a shopping mall. Easy enough, well not really because there was one of those metal fences that have all those crevices to hide a micro under. Long story short I pulled out my inspection mirror and started looking.

About five minutes into the hunt a man in a suit came over and asked what I was doing. He was the real twitchy type like he had too much caffeine. I didn't want to feed him a story because he was nervous enough so I told him that I was playing a game called geocaching. I explained that I was looking for a tiny container that held a log book. He seemed a bit vexed and started asking if I meant there are hidden containers on the property. I said a few but they should have permission to hide them there.

I could see where this was going and I assured him that there was nothing dangerous and when I find it I would show him what it looks like.

"Well I have to tell corporate if there is something hidden near the building" and off he scampered.

Now I could have just left like so many times you read in the news and if I did I would have left an obviously paranoid assistant manager wondering about this mysterious hidden container. Bad form. Instead I went to my car, pulled out a geocaching pamphlet and headed back. There waiting was the assistant and now the manager of the store.

I smiled, introduced myself and handed the manager the pamphlet. He looked it over, nodded and thanked me for discussing it. I then went back, found the geocache then asked if they wanted to see it. I knew things were okay because they didn't feel it necessary.

The moral of the story is don't flee the scene if confronted. To be completely honest there was a moment that I wanted to do just that. No one wants to do explain about something that could potentially be perceived as dangerous. Also in these days of anxious assistant managers, have some geocaching pamphlets with you at all times. It makes explaining so much easier.

Here is the link to those pamphlets on my blog:

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GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Sometimes We Like' em Easy: Park N Grabs

You can't find a geocache much easier than a 1/1. Today's lunchtime smiley was a two second park N grab and that's okay with me. Sure I love a good challenge but on the flip side it is so nice once in a while to get in and get out as well.

Ahh, another smiley under my belt and now on to a good lunch.


GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat
Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Found. One Cache-A-Maniacs Log Book

Something seemed very familiar about todays Lunchtime Geocache of the Day. I couldn't put my finger on it.. Wait, actually I could. I noticed the log book cover for the geocache was an Official Cache-A-Maniacs original. I thought this rather cool because I know that Darryl(Darrylw4) and Drei(Firefly03) live in my home state of Michigan. So either this little log book couldn't take the Michigan winters any more or someone down here was interviewed. Either way it was really interesting in how the people who do things like geocaching based podcasts really get their names spread around. Darryl is a great example of these individuals. If there is a hardest working person in geocaching Darryl has got to be it.

Not only does he run multiple geocaching based podcasts like the Cache-A-Maniacs, Geocaching Podcast and Cachers of the Round Table but he can be heard on the Podcacher Podcast and seen on IceNRye's Videozine among other things.

He has helped me a bunch of times for various events and is officially going to be a technical advisor for my TreasureCache TV show. Shhh, don't tell him yet but the adoption papers are in the works.

Anyways the geocaching community is a very diverse and expanding network of really cool people and I really love seeing the word spread about the ones that constantly help to make geocaching better - like Darryl.

If you want to learn more about Darryl, Drei and the Cache-A-Maniacs. Check out our GeoSnippits video where we did an interview with them last year...

Well now it's time for a quick lunch before getting back to work..

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat
Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Monday, April 26, 2010

GeoSnippits: Geocaching Numbers Run

Ah number runs. Many geocachers feel that geocaching is not about the numbers and for me I agree on the most part. With that being said there is also a huge rush when it comes to trying to beat your highest amount of finds for the day. Let alone blowing it out of the water by three or four fold.

This GeoSnippits was actually shown on Michigan Magazine TV (RFDTV Network) and modified a bit for this episode. Come and learn how you too can go out and have a numbers run kind of day. After the video be sure to check out the full posting telling more details at the bottom of this post.

If the viewer is not above you can see the video here:

You can read the entire article here:

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Friday, April 23, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Working Out For This Geocache

This was a really cool and unexpected pleasure of a geocache. Originally I expected some old path to follow for today's Lunchtime Geocache of the Day. Instead I find this really cute park out in the middle of an industry conglomerate which is geared for not only walking but exercise as well.

The idea is simple. During your walk in this rather dense woods are stations where you stop and do some form of exercise. Be it jumping jacks, sit-ups or a walk along a three inch high balance beam there were over twenty different things to do. When completed you had yourself a very scenic yet worth while work out.

Now you just know what would happen here.

If I tried this I would have to be wearing a good pair of suspenders. C'mon I haven't seen my toes in three years and if I attempted to grab the upper bars with both hands my pants would be hanging below my ankles quicker than that time I sat on that fire ant hill. Was going to say something else but this IS a family based blog - Just fill in your own description if you must.

Anyways the park is gorgeous and I came up with about a dozen different ways that would have killed me if I tried to go end to end but this was a lunchtime geocaching find so I was short on time. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. The find itself was a regular Tupperware container wedged at the base of a tree - very nice.

This is just another example of finding places while geocaching you would never of otherwise known about and I'm very glad I found this.
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - The Complexity of the Nano Geocache

Did you ever contemplate the complexity of the nano geocache? Well not the container per-say but where you can hide one? I mean lets face it, there really is not much to it. A nano container has a lid, a base and a teeny-weeny log book. It's magnetic and about the size of your pinky fingernail.

Because it is so small it can be really tricky to find. Lets take today's Lunchtime Geocache of the Day for example and see just where you can hide it in something simple. Like say a skirt hide.

Yes I know, quit rolling your eyes.. Skirt hides can be really boring but if you include where you can hide a nano in one may spice up your hunt.

So lets go over the easy hides. A skirt hide is usually made up of a light pole that has an apron or skirt at the base which can be lifted. Yes that is where you get the geocaching phrase of "lifting a skirt" - giggle. Anyhoo a skirt hide normally has something like a 35mm film container which sits under the skirt and on top of the metal platform which connects the pole to the concrete base. No biggie to find really and great for a standard park and grab.

To make it a bit more difficult you can hide a nano on the pole itself and five or six feet above the skirt. The poles are metal and the nano is magnetic. This leaves it open but is so small usually undetected. Now back to that metal platform. A nano can sit on top of the platform like the 35mm container but for a bit more of a challenge you can hide it up-side-down under the platform. Pretty good but that is not the best place. Nope, even better than attaching it to the upper inside of the skirt itself. Most of those poles are hollow. Try putting your nano down then up inside the pole itself. This brings on a real creepy factor for me personally. Why, a sense of danger cuz you don't know what is up in there and you still have to reach. Icky.

Before I get a ton of emails I will put the warning everybody was going to send in. Skirt hides are notorious for spiders so remember to wear your gloves before sticking your hands in any skirt hide.

Well that's more than enough for now. Off for a chicken wrap before going back to work..

Have fun and be safe out there.. Nano - nano!

You know I had to say it...

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Just Love Walking In The Woods After It Rains

I don't know what it is about walking in the woods after it rains but I just love it. Sure your footwear gets a little moist but hey when does it not when you go geocaching anyways. Naw ever since I was a kid you could find me stomping through wooded areas enjoying the sights, smells and encompassing sounds that are provided.

Today's Geocache of the Day brought back some of those memories as I guided myself about a tenth of a mile in some rather dense woodlands. Throw in the spring time barbs and a bit of swampiness and you are in for a quick adventure. No critters to speak of in this area today. Not even the birds were out yet come to think of it. Just peaceful splendor for me to enjoy.

The geocache itself was in a unique container and the owner was even kind enough to tell you to bring along your tweezers just in case. I always have mine with me but hey that is some good advice anytime.

The find was quick even though it was in a more dense section of the woods. The geocache itself was out of it's hiding spot so after I signed the log I put it back in a rather well noted hidey hole.

Ahh, well time to get back to work.. The smell of the woods is still on my clothes... Luvin It.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - What a Cluster

Geocaching cluster that is. You see when you have an area that is saturated with geocaching finds it is commonly known as a cluster. That would be a play on words... Mmmm hmmm. Oh look at the cute bunny travel bug...

Anyways, I have cleared out all the easy lunchtime geocaches around my workplace so I have moved my searching to an area about four miles west of me. The area is accessible via the freeway so commute time is minimal. It should take me a couple of months to clear this area out as well.

Today's find was a really sweet ammo box in a slightly wooded area. The sun was shining, the birds singing and the warmth of the sun on your face.. What more do you want? Okay lots of geocaching finds but that is a given.

Time for a quick ride via the drive-thru and on to the rest of the work day.. Tally Ho!


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Monday, April 19, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Classic Series - Welcome To Wake

If you have ever geocached around the Raleigh, NC area you have no doubt ran across at least one Welcome to Wake geocache. The series which was originated by Hippopatamama years ago and basically encircle Wake County. They are nice and easy park and grabs with a few of them a smidge more difficult sprinkled in. In the last couple of years I personally have adopted a bunch of them since Mama is not as into geocaching as she once was.

So if you ever are in the area be sure to check out the Welcome to Wake series for a really nice park and grab.

My finds are now getting closer to the three mile mark. Not much of an issue yet if they are quick finds but I may have to start getting lunch en-route to the geocache instead of after.. hmmm...

Will see..

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Saturday, April 17, 2010

TreasureCache TV Show Getting Ready To Shoot

Well we still can't give you all the details about the geocaching TV show TreasureCache. Though we can tell you this. The pilot will be shot in the next couple of weeks and we are getting some of the props ready now. Here you see Miss Geoness preparing one of our treasure chest props that will be seen in the title sequence of the show and on the sets. Based from our resources we have a lot of miles to travel this summer and many geocachers to meet and geocaches to find.

I can't wait. Hope you feel the same. More details soon.
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Friday, April 16, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - When GPSrs Go Stupid

Yes, yes I found today's Lunchtime geocache but not without it's added adventures.

Ever have the situation with your GPSr (especially the auto ones) where you have a geocache selected and you are happily following the voice in the box only to discover that your current destination is no where near where the geocache actually is? If it happens to be by an Interstate it is even worse because most GPSr units don't know that you can't just turn right like on regular roads. This one in particular not only had the Interstate problem but was hidden on the far side of a bunch of huge complexes with no close-by streets to follow so it quickly turned just down right stupid.

It would have made a good video actually. GPSr unit #1 was constantly saying out loud "ReCalculating - ReCalculating" while GPSr unit #2 had the satellite view on so I could figure out how to get from one parking lot to the next. Really good "Which way did he go?" comedy. At one point I thought I had made a breakthrough only to discover the parking lot I needed to get into was just on the other side of a large pond with no connections to speak of.. Heavy Sigh.

Finally I made it over to where I was supposed to be and then realized that I would have to climb down a very steep 40 foot hill covered with pine needles. What could happen? I'm sure one of the small pine trees would slow my decent... Luckily it wasn't needed but I was already so far into the %@*$ it! stage I didn't care.

Fortunately the find was only about 300 feet into the woods and no snakes or other goodies seemed to want to deal with me at the time. So the find itself was pretty easy. I left a Sponge Bob Toy and a First Aid Kit just cuz. Signed the log and high tailed it to the nearest drive-thru for a quick ride back to my cube. It would appear the GPS had a much easier time getting me back to work than to find this out of the way geocache.

Now if I can just get that "ReCalculating - ReCalculating" out of my head.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Thursday, April 15, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Rescue Me

Every once in a while you come across a geocache that is in desperate need of assistance. In the case of this lunchtime geocache the lid was partially off and moisture was free to roam. Sure you can sign the log (if you can) or you can do the right thing and clean it up if you can. I chose the latter.

The log book was in pretty good shape thanks to the bag it was in but the rest was in bad shape. So I took the container back to my car and dried then cleaned it out including the bugs that were living inside. Next the swag from inside was also cleaned or replaced with new. I tossed in a new first aid kit and it was ready to go.

So why do it? It's not my geocache. The answer is because of the love of the game and keeping the overall quality a tad higher for the effort. I have had other geocachers replace or repair my geocaches in the past so it is only right to do for others as well. Besides, who wants to open a container of goo?

I see a cheese burger in my near future. Time to get some.
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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate

Communication and geocaching is like peanut butter and jelly, Martin and Lewis, Oreo cookies and milk. Take one away and it just doesn't work. A GPSr unit must have communication with enough satellites above to function correctly. A smart phone not only needs the satellite connection but a good Internet connection too. Well today we can thank AT&T for removing the communications part of my geocaching. All I was able to get was a fair GSM signal (Not the normal EDGE) which means my phone could work but you can forget Internet capabilities. It started late yesterday when I noticed my phone signal was actually at SOS. This meant the signal was so weak you might get a phone connection but may not even get out a text message because the signal is so weak - great. Guess they are doing maintenance or something nearby.

So I figured I would drive a round a tad to see if I could get a better signal. I finally did but by the time I was closer to a new tower it was time to go back and that was what I did. So no geocaching find this time and hopefully we can get a better signal tomorrow. This just goes to show you that you cannot rely completely on your Internet connection gizmos and having a backup GPS with a recent .GPX file is not a bad idea.

Thanks a bunch AT&T -NOT!
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Give Me Clever People and I'll Give You Geocachers

When it comes to geocaching it doesn't take much to make me smile. In this lunchtime case it was the geocache container that I thought was really cool.

Now granted the hide itself is a whole lot more clever than what is shown above but you can clearly see how a geocache can blend into an area when done right. If you can see it in the photograph it looks like the top of a glass bottle and essentially that is what it is though this one was modified a smidge and cammied.

I have lost count how many times I have been tricked by a good hide and I love them all. Yeah, I might get frustrated at the time, 2nd time, 3rd... but when I finally do find it the satisfaction rating is off the scale and I end up thinking about it the rest of the day. So go out and venture ingenious geocache inventor, we love so what you do.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Monday, April 12, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Micro Madness - How Long is Your Fun Factor?

Micros, either you love them, hate them or love to hate them. Any way you slice it they are out there and there are a whole bunch of them to find. For me finding a micro as being a pleasant experience depends on the placement. Put a nano in a clever spot and I will spend an hour or more looking for it. Put a bison tube in a holly bush, grape vine or a wooded area where there are 10,000 hiding possibilities and I give it 20 minutes before I am out the door. If you are going to at least put it in a spot with a zillion hiding places don't set my expectations and say it is a 1.5. If you put a 3 for the difficulty at least I realize that before I get into it.

So my question to you is, how do you feel about micros and what would you like to see done differently if anything? I would be curious to your thoughts.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Friday, April 9, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Helpful Hints

When geocaching the hider of the geocache can choose to leave you an extra clue to help you find the geocache. Known as Hints, they can sometimes make the difference between getting a smiley or not.

What I like about many of the hints is the cleverness behind them. They don't just say, "Psst, it's next to the third tree on the left..".

Nope, they are usually much more clever with phrases like "Not attack but..." (meaning defense or it's on the fence) or " Look far and wide but don't get stumped" (meaning the geocache is most likely in an old tree stump or log.

There are some really great hints out there and I have seen sometimes the hint is almost as difficult to figure out then the original geocache hide itself. Yet when thoughtfully done with the intent of helping the geocacher it really does add to the game and make it just that much more interesting.

Can you tell the honeysuckle is in bloom? The air is just honey drippin with it.

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HHH to Speak at Toledo-Lucas County Public Library

I am so excited to be speaking at a very special geocaching event (GC24Y1G) at the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library tomorrow.

The really cool thing is that I will be doing it from the comfort of my home computer system. Yep I'm Skyping this one in. Due to some scheduling conflicts I unfortunately can't be there in person so this was the next best thing.

The event itself is promoting geocaching as a whole and also is doing something that no other public library has ever done before. Somewhere in the 18+ public libraries within their system are hidden geocaches. That's correct they are hidden on the shelves of the library and actually cataloged. To find them you use coordinates of a different sort. You use the Dewey Decimal system. The concept is actually very unique. Simply go to and get the DD coords and then find that section in the library to start your hunt. I have seen one example where thy have hollowed out a book which will hold the geocache. Very clever. I don't want to give everything away so you are going to have to come on down to one of the participating libraries to get all the details.

For more information about the event itself, the geocaching series inside the libraries and all the other geocaching goodness please check out the links provided below. Otherwise I look forward to speaking with you in Toledo!

Special note: I want to thank Dave Misko who is their Systems Engineer/Supervisor who invited me to this wonderful event and put in a whole lot of time getting everything in place. Kudos Dave!

Here is the posting of the event:

Here's a short blurb on Toledo's Channel 11 News website telling about it.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Thursday, April 8, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Small Lock n Lock Box

This was a super easy park and grab for today's lunchtime geocache of the day. A rain storm is coming and it was nice to just exit the car, find the cache, sign the log and go get some lunch.

I gets me smiley and yet still stay dry. What more could you ask for. Except maybe finding the lunch in the Lock n Lock but that is only in my dreams :)

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Name That Geocache Container?

This was a really peaceful and fun lunchtime geocaching find. The area is a very nice woodsey kind of place right off of a paved entrance road. The sun was out, the birds tweeting in the distance and everything was covered in pine pollen. Ahhh, spring time.

Anyways I found the geocache after getting tired of playing follow the bouncing arrow and just plain looked around. I think it is really cool but I am a bit vexed as to what this container is and what it was used for?. It looks military and the size of a small canteen. There is a large latch in front that has a lock bar for well, a lock. The top opens freely at the visible seam 2/3 the way up.

Quickie Contest

So to make this interesting I am making a quickie contest. The first one to comment at the bottom of this post with the correct answer wins a HHH pathtag. I will verify it and announce the winner. Good luck!

Now to see if a sub is in my immediate future.
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD-Remember Your Thing-a-ma-bobs

I was lucky today. A quick 1.5/1.5 micro park and grab off of a ball field parking lot. Easy one right? BuZzer! Nope.

As I drove up to the spot I knew exactly where the geocache was. I tried for several minutes and even thought I could feel the nano I couldn't get it out of it's hidey hole.

Lucky for me my cache mobile was only six feet away - this time. If I had to walk a goodly distance and then have this happen (and it has in the past) the experience would not have been so pleasant. Once I grabbed my handy dandy tweezers it was out in a flash. Come to think of it I used them to get the log out of the nano cap as well..

So do yourself a favor. Always take your pack full of geocaching goodness no matter how easy you think the geocaching hunt will be. Cuz you never know what you are going to run into when you go geocaching.

Check out our GeoSnippits Video: What's in Your Geocaching Pack?

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Monday, April 5, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Giving You The Finger

This was such a cute and fun Lunchtime Geocache of the Day.

What you see me holding is a Halloween based geocache which is actually a rubber finger with a bison tube glued in the end. It's all bloody, dirty and everything you would expect of a well placed geocache.

There were several cool things that I really liked about this simple hide. One, it was wheelchair accessible. Right next to a well used walking path and placed so someone in a wheelchair could get it with little effort.

Two, the use of a toothpick for the bison tube log. This such an inexpensive way of making a geocachers life so much easier. How many times have you found a micro and spent the next five to ten minutes trying to get the log book to be small enough to fit back in the cap? For me, plenty of times. The solution is a piece of a toothpick glued to the base of the log.

Look at the example here. My signing was almost at the very end of the log but a great placement to show you what I mean. The toothpick is glued to the base of the log. Now to wind the whole log back up all the geocacher has to do is grip the toothpick and twist. In a matter of a few seconds the entire log is wound tight and easily put back into the bison tube cap. This really is a great gesture on the hiders part and I highly recommend everybody to do this if you can.

To sum up I really appreciate when a geocacher puts that little extra effort in a geocache hide. Anyone can just shove a bison tube in a tree. Yet to make a wheelchair accessible hide that is out of the ordinary and easy to sign and go... This geocaching hide was a real pleasure to find. Kudos.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Friday, April 2, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD - Ever Get That Creepy Feeling?

Yep today was the day that I really thought I was in for it. Have you ever wandered into a geocaching area and just get that creepy feeling of "uh-oh". Like the area just doesn't feel - right?

That was today's Lunchtime Geocache of the Day. It was flagged as a 2/2 so I thought okay, get in and get out. Err, no.

My first obstacle was having to cross a small stream. There were plenty of rocks to cross on but then again I noticed there were an awful lot of rocks in the area. So after a few moments of figuring out the correct path for me I was over the stream and walking straight into a very swampy area.

There were stumps, logs and just plain junk everywhere. The sun was warm today and the temps in the upper 80s. Perfect time and place for snakes. They just love to hide around such things to warm up after winter's cold.

"Perfect", I thought to myself. This is where I am going to get it. So let's just say I looked everywhere I could while getting to ground zero. After .10 of a mile I made it to the likely spot even though there were tons of places it could have been. Where was it? Why in a broken down stack of wooden slats. Oh goody.

Fortunately for me I took the basics on this hunt. I had my trusty pack and my walking pole. Believe you-me in this situation you need gloves and something to prod the ground while walking (remember swampy) and all the possible hidey holes for snakes.

The most interesting thing to me is through this entire adventure I did not see a single snake, not one. Not that I am complaining mind you but I figured if ever there was a place to see one this was it.. Ah well time for some grub.

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Treasure Cache Title Sequence Test Animation

Okay this is a test animation for my up coming TV show TreasureCache. There is no music or voice over. I worked on this last night and used Corel VideoStudio Pro3. I would love to have the better programs but you work with what you have.

Basically this is explaining what Geocaching is in 21 seconds. It will state that with geocaching we use satellites in space, gadgets like GPS devices on the ground, searching the globe to find containers known as geocaches. The idea is you will see me walking towards a geocache in the last frame which will go into the rest of the 60 seconds doing the show intro stuff.

Tell me what you think. I would be curious.



GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at @headhardhat

Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

Thursday, April 1, 2010

HHH's Lunchtime GotD: I'm Not Going Back To Work

I'm sorry the moment I stepped outside of my office I knew. That deep blue sky, the 83 degree spring time warmth hitting my face. Nope, not going back to work today.

Oh and the lunchtime geocache of the day was a bison tube in a tree stump.

Now back to that primal involuntary need to break into song. I swear I have that picture in my mind of Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music and I'm that close to tearing down the drapes.

Grill, I need to grill brats with that dark mustard and a really cold libation. Then I absolutely have to...

We interrupt this posting due to HeadHardHat coming down with severe spring fever. We will now bring you "As The Geocache Turns" already in progress....

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