One of our GeoSnippits viewers asked if there was a way of explaining geocaching to a person (a.k.a. muggle) without sounding like you were crazy?
My answer is well, "yes".
I do not intend on stealing anybody else's thunder out there. There are several geocaching brochures made by people who have been with geocaching since the beginning and have put out some really professionally made documentation. I am merely giving the links to their fine works.
There are two that I really like and have used many times when approaching a business owner to get permission to place a geocache on their property, been approached by authority figures like the police, or the just plain curious.
They give you a bit more credibility because you have something pre-printed and ready to show right their in your hot little hands.
This one is from the fine folks at Geocacher-U and not only does it have it in English but other languages as well.
Here is the other which has almost a business look and feel to it.
If you have any questions about geocaching please do not hesitate to ask. If I don't know the answer I know a whole lot of geocachers who do.. So ask away!
Oh and by the way. You don't have to be crazy to do geocaching, but it sure does help ;p
Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at http://www.geosnippits.com/
1 comment:
Every company has its own business card which is well designed and name, positions and address are mentioned on it. It is also one of the best ways to promote your business or organization. So if you are looking for business card templates.
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