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HeadHardHat's Award Winning Geocaching Blog is a geocache treasure trove of geocaching information. Years of searchable geocaching insights await you here. HeadHardHat's GeoSnippits Geocaching Videos series can be seen on You Tube. You can also find him on his new GeoSnippits Reboot Podcast series and the Geocaching Podcast. Geocaching the outdoor treasure-hunting game which the participants use a GPS receiver to hide and seek containers called "geocaches" or "caches" anywhere in the world
Many times a flimsy or poor quality container can become easy pickings. As in this case a cheaper Glad container was used and what looks like a squirrel knocked it out of it's home then made short work of it. Even if the big toothed rodent hadn't munched it, the heat and sun already was warping the container pretty bad.
I rescued two Boy Scout travel bugs and cleaned up the rest. One of the travel bug plastic bags had the top sealer chewed off. Just goes to show you that these containers area vulnerable to all sorts of situations. Always consider this when placing your geocaches.
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