HeadHardHat's Award Winning Geocaching Blog is a geocache treasure trove of geocaching information. Years of searchable geocaching insights await you here. HeadHardHat's GeoSnippits Geocaching Videos series can be seen on You Tube. You can also find him on his new GeoSnippits Reboot Podcast series and the Geocaching Podcast. Geocaching the outdoor treasure-hunting game which the participants use a GPS receiver to hide and seek containers called "geocaches" or "caches" anywhere in the world
Put Your Geocaching Search Here
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Audience Participation at GeoWoodstock IX and Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) Show
We have as prizes some brand spanking new, never released Cami'd RVNN.tv hats we are going to be giving out! Now for the question. What audience participation things can we have our fellow geocachers do on stage to earn these esteemed and coveted prizes?
You can see the hats in the segment of Geocaching World shown here:
Email your suggestions to: geocache@rvnn.tv (note that it is .tv and NOT .com)
Include your name, email address and suggestion with the words CAMI HAT in the subject.
All valid suggestions will go into a hat and the winner selected will also win a Cami'd RVNN.tv hat!
You have until end of day Thursday, June 30th to get your suggestions emailed. Send as many as you like but please no duplicates, harmful situations, distasteful, etc. this is for a family show.
Get your entries in now!
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Monday, June 27, 2011
Behind the Scenes: Geocaching World (RVNN) - GPSr Breakdown and Darrylw4 Talks GeoWoodstock IX
In Episode #21 we discussed at great lengths the different varieties of GPSr units. The main focal points were examined from a geocaching Flash Mob Event I held last year. It was HeadHardHat's Great GPSr Experiment and it was a really great example of how geocachers accuracy really is in the wild.
The other interesting part of this episode was Dave Dufour's encounter of a geocache within a long forgotten cemetery that was only a few hundred feet off of well traveled road. Another example of how geocachers find places no one would know existed if it were not for geocaching.
Episode #22 featured my good friend Darrylw4. Darryl is co-host of the Cache-a-Maniacs Podcast, co-host of the Geocaching Podcast with myself and XpunkX and the head honcho of the Cachers of the Round Table Podcast. Tonight's episode discussed the Media/Podcast setup and schedule of GeoWoodstock IX. Since Darrylw4 is pretty much single handily equipping the entire effort. It seemed more than fitting to put his efforts into the spotlight.
The series of media and podcasts being made available has never been done before. This episode will be put to the head of the line so we can make the GeoWoodstock show. Be sure to watch RVNN.tv, Itunes and the blogs to catch the episode A.S.A.P.
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Where Are You Going To Be This Saturday July, 2nd?
If you can't make it to the Mega Event we are going to try our darnedest to send you photos, Tweets, Facebook posts and video streaming. A whole lot is going to depend on the GeoWoodstock folks having the communications set up as promised. So keep your fingers and toes crossed. If everything goes as planned we will have live Ustream showings of some of the media/podcast shows going on that day. Since Dave Dufour and Andy McCaskey from RVNN.tv will be there with me. We are hoping to be also streaming to our RVNN LIVE channel as well. I personally will be sending tweets which goes to my Facebook fans as well. Not to mention pix and information going to my Obsessed blog as well.
So I highly recommend you do the following:
- Follow @HeadHardHat on Twitter
- Like HeadHardHat and RVNN on Facebook
If you have any questions or comments please let me know. Much more information becoming available all this week and during the events.
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Friday, June 24, 2011
Ustream and My IPad 2 Are Finally Talking To Each Other
Left-Dave Dufour, Right-Andy HeadHardHat Smith |
One of the things that I really liked about my Android phone was it's ability to use the Ustream app and to be able to stream LIVE video. RVNN.tv uses this live capability to not only allow our viewers to see live recordings of all our shows but to also stream raw or edited shows as well. There was many times that I would watch RVNN.tv during my lunch break or even on the way home from work. Again great if you had an Android or PC available.
On my IPad 2, not so much...
I heard the same was to be said about the IPhone apps as well. It just could not do the live streaming and Ustream kept saying they were working on it. Heck, even my Roku box used the Live channel and it only allowed a couple of choices but that was it. If you searched for what you wanted you got bumpkins.
Episode of Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) |
So by all means if you have either an IPhone or IPad, download the Ustream app and search on RVNN. You will now find the latest live streaming. Oh and while you are there check out Geocaching World. You will so be glad you did.
Tell'em Andy HeadHardHat Smith sent ya.
* Note the photos provided were taken right off my IPad2 -HHH
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Awesome PhotoShop of HeadHardHat Compliments of the DGS
Want to thank the Dirtbag Geocaching Society for the very nice portrait!
Great Job!
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Discovering a Geocaching Traveller in Sputnik 2010

Stage one is where it took off and stage two is where it landed. Not only is this such an amazing idea to begin with, the photos that were shot during the flight are breathtaking. You can read all the details at the Sputnik 2010 project's main website here:
I want to thank DantonioG and the rest of the geocachers at the Dirtbag Geocaching Society event for all the information and really amazing discoveries.
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
GeoWoodstock IX - LIVE Tweets - Be Sure To Follow HeadHardHat
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We are also working on Live Streaming Video stay tuned for details! |
Be sure to Follow HeadHardHat : Twitter me at @headhardhat for updates all day of the Event!
GeoWoodstock IX is only a few more days away and we are making strides to keep everyone on the planet informed of what is going on during the day via the Media and Podcasting Studio. Here is a schedule so far if you are actually going to be attending GeoWoodstock IX:
11 am to 5 pm Live Media and Podcasting Studio Open:
11: Cache-A-Maniacs (Darrylw4 and Firefly03)
12: GeoSnippits (HHH)
1: Geocaching Podcast (Darrylw4, HHH, & The Bad Cop)
2: Podcacher (Sonny, Sandy and Sean)
3: Caching Northwest (The Bad Cop)
4: Cachers of the Round Table (Darrylw4, Firefly03, HHH, The Bad Cop, & Sonny, Sandy and Sean)
Be sure to stop on by and say hi!
Whether you are at GeoWoodstock IX or not you can get inside access so
Be sure to Follow HeadHardHat : Twitter me at @headhardhat for updates all day of the Event!
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Behind The Scenes: Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) - Lunchtime Caching and Unique Geocaching Containers
Hokey smokes Bullwinkle we had two jammed packed shows taped tonight. Show #19 dealt with one of my favorite Geocaching activities - Lunchtime Geocaching. Yes that rare combination of Geocaching quickness and still having time to get something to eat before the buzzer goes off and it's back to work. I tell you what though there is nothing that takes the doldrums out of the daily grind than getting outside and finding a cache. The exhilaration alone gets the blood pumping, add a quick meal and you are ready to take on that afternoon inbox.
Today's episode took us on three separate adventures including a skirt hide, grate hide and a gazebo by a lake. Loads of Geocaching fun. Add in other great tips and tricks to make your timely Geocaching enjoyable and you have yourself a fun time made for all.
Episode #20 was based off a recent event i attended hosted by the Dirtbag Geocaching Society. These guys want to promote Geocaching by pushing the limit and it shows in the three separate demonstrations we present in this episode. Creative Director Dave Dufour and I talk about everything unique and the chat room agrees. Then again the chat room is always hopping when Geocaching World is going on.
Geek of the week is going on and you always have a great chance to win some really sweet prizes. For more details check out my blog or the RVNN.tv website. Then look up Geocaching World under shows for more details.
If you want to get in on the fun and join our chat room of Geocaching enthusiasts. Meet up with us on Mondays at 6:30pm EST. You not only get to enjoy the Geocaching goodness of the shows themselves weeks before they are released. You gain all the knowledge from our in between sets which usually has more content then the shows themselves. It is the real deal and there for your viewing pleasure. Check it out if you haven't before and if you have then all we can say is see you next week!
Geocaching World is produced by Courtney Wallin with Managing Director Andy McCaskey.
Visit RVNN.tv for the entire RVNN line up.
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Plenty of nearby Geocaches to find before and after the "Our Geocaches Can Beat Up Your Geocaches Event"
Today's event caught my eye because it deals with a contest of creative geocache containers. I came up with something interesting myself and will be interested how it does.
Here you can see my current location towards the top and the event near the bottom. This does show one of the advantages of using an application like GeoSphere on my IPad 2. Having the ability to see all or portions of Geocaches on a map makes Geocaching much more enjoyable. Well I have an hour to kill, time to do some caching and get out of this restaurant air conditioning. Check back for more details of my day and what I encounter.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
GeoWoodstock IX - Media & Podcast Studio Schedule Is Here!
Well it is almost here. The largest Geocaching event in the world is about to invade Warren, PA. Geowoodstock IX looks to be a whole lot of fun and judging from the schedule for Saturday July 2, 2011 we are going to have a whole lot to do.
What is extremely important IMHO will be what is going on from 11am EST to 5pm EST in the Live Media and Podcasting Studio. Why you ask? Great question. There you are going to be able to watch many of the top media personalities in the Geocaching world as they do their respective shows LIVE right there at GeoWoodstock for you to enjoy. So who is scheduled to be there. Let's see:
There will be famous podcasters like Darrylw4 and Firefly03, The Bad Cop and Sonny, Sandy and Sean. Then from the video and television side of things will be yours truly HeadHardHat.
It will be a full afternoon of great conversation and engaged audience participation. Check the complete schedule for the entire day with all the details.
Oh and you may want to take the occasional break and see the other GeoWoodstock activities that are around too.
9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
GeoWoodstock IX (GC2AZ7G) Warren County Fairground; Pittsfield, PA
9 am to 3 pm Registration Bldg. open
9 am to 6 pm Drop off and pickup trackables at Travel Bug Exchange
9 am to 6 pm Rainbow the Clown
9:15-9:45 Bird banding demonstration activity
9 am to 3 pm Silent Auction for some great prizes donated by sponsors and fellow geocachers
9 am to 3 pm Event Store open for business while merchandise lasts
9 am to 3 pm GPS Accuracy Game
9 am to 4 pm Geo-Bingo Icebreaker game
9 am to 6 pm GeoWoodstock Jr. Fun Zone for Kids activities
10 am Official Opening Cermony -Welcome to GeoWoodstock IX
11 am Meet the Reviewer Panel
11 am to 2 pm Searching for the Lost Dutchman's Treasure
11 am to 2:30 pm Official Meal Service Available
11 am to 5 pm Live Media and Podcasting Studio Open:
11: Cache-A-Maniacs (Darrylw4 and Firefly03)
12: GeoSnippits (HHH)
1: Geocaching Podcast (Darrylw4, HHH, & The Bad Cop)
2: Podcacher (Sonny, Sandy and Sean)
3: Caching Northwest (The Bad Cop)
4: Cachers of the Round Table (Darrylw4, Firefly03, HHH, The Bad Cop, & Sonny, Sandy and Sean)
11 am to 4pm Educational Classes in 2 separate classrooms
11 am Introduction to Geocaching and Introduction to Whereigo
12 pm GSAK 101 and Advanced Whereigo
1 pm Advanced GSAK and Caching with a Droid Phone
2 pm Make the Most of Your Premium Groundspeak Membership and Geocaching Etiquette
3 pm Sponsor Showcase by DeLorme and others TBA
1 pm to 4 pm GeoPoker Tournament
2:30 pm to 5:30 pm Live Music with Temple Gray
5:45 pm Closing ceremony
Now there is a really good possibility that we are going to be able to Ustream during the day. This means that you will be able to see some live video during the shows and as we go around the Geowoodstock event. It will all depend on the quality of the feed and the signal strength. If all goes well everyone around the planet can stop in and see what we are up to. Keep coming back for more details as we iron them out. Note for myself and many parts of the day I will be streaming live on RVNN.tv's Ustream. This is the same one we use when taping Geocaching World Live. Here is the link: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/rvnn-live you will get direct access there.
ALSO!!! If you want all the latest information about GeoWoodstock IX, what is going on during the day and where you can tune in for all the audio and video feeds remember to bookmark my blog and follow me on Twitter @headhardhat and Facebook. I will keep you informed from now to right up to the event and all the time during GeoWoodstock. Don't miss out on getting the inside scoop even if you can't be there. Tell your friends, family and any other geocachers out there that we will be doing something never done before! Be in on the fun.
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Behind the Scenes: Geocaching Podcast - Episode #208 Reopening The ET Highway
Want to learn more about everything that happened? What happened and why? Find out from the creators Gus and Clay as they describe everything alien.
Listen to the Geocaching Podcast episode #208 coming out in the next day or so.
Hear you next week.
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Behind The Scenes: Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) - How To Look For Geocaches and Geocaching Destinations
The tapings went great as usual. We met the new intern "Andy", yes there are now three Andy's in the studio which makes communication a bit interesting. All you hear during production is "Andy I need you to do X, no the other Andy...", all part of the fun.
Show #17 dealt with what to look for while geocaching. You don't usually get that kind of information from people unless you ask which is why this turned out to be such a great show. We actually broke things down by Urban, Wooded and miscellaneous examples of geocaching ground zero areas and then discussed the best places to actually look for the geocache itself. Hopefully this will give beginners some food for thought the next time they go out.
Show #18 talked about geocaching destinations. In other words if you were planning a trip either in your RV, camper or everyone piled in the cachemobile. What is some of the best ways to find geocaches. What we ended up doing is using suggestions from our viewers in the chat room. We had a really good crowd last night and the discussions were going fast and furious as usual. In between discussions of geocaching we were asked to investigate several areas around the country and what we found might surprise you. What that was you will have to see when you watch the actual show which should be out in a few weeks.
See it pays to come come visit us during our live recordings. First off you get to see how an actual TV show is shot, produced and recorded. Plus we talk more about geocaching in between the actual segments than during the show itself. We answer a lot of questions from the chat room audience and many times use those questions in the show itself. Finally you get the sneak peek of all the shows before they air out in the media main stream. Don't forget we record Mondays at 6:30pm EST.. Be there or miss out on a lot of great geocaching goodness.
Geocaching World also includes Dave Dufour who is Creative Director, Courtney Wallin, Producer and Andy McCaskey, Managing Director.
That's all for now..
See you next week!
Keep Up With Andy HeadHardHat Smith via his websites:
Geocaching World - Internet TV Show (RVNN.TV)
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right? - HHH's Award Winning Blog
Twitter me at
Friend me at Facebook
Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Saturday, June 11, 2011
HeadHardHat's Review of the Kodak PlaySport (Zx3) HD Waterproof Pocket Video Camera
Let me introduce you to one of my latest toys and I am very pleased with it. Check out my Kodak PlaySport (Zx3) HD Waterproof Pocket Video Camera. It is build like a brick ship house and can be emerged and filming in up to ten feet of water! No kidding. It has capabilities of shooting 720p, 720p(60) and up to 1080p. The cool thing about 720p(60) is that it shoots at 60 frames per second instead of the normal 30. This means if you are taking shots with a lot of movement like sporting events you get much clearer footage. You can see what I mean by the little two minute video of my GeoPooch Emily catching frisbee seen below. It has a 5 megapixal camera which takes nice clear pictures. Much better than you would get off of a standard smart phone and you can switch to any mode with a simple flip of the switch.
Lets watch some video. Here is my GeoPooch Emily catching a frisbee in the back yard. This rendering does not do the actual original footage justice but you can see the clarity and usefulness of being able to shoot at 720p(60).
HeadHardHat's Likes and Dislikes:
Likes: Rugged, Waterproof and the size is a bit smaller than a smart phone, turns on for use in 2 seconds.
Dislikes: 1080p - Can't see any real difference in quality with 1080p, in fact the frame of the shot is smaller than when in 720p.
Likes: Super easy to use, you will need a 16gig to 32gig SD card though when you purchase the camera. Sound quality is very good.
Dislikes: When filming in the car it did jump around a bit more than I expected. Not sure how good it would be if you are filming and riding on something like a bike.
Likes: Good focus overall, you seem to have a lot more overall field focus except at shorter than 18 inches. Steady cam works well, has face recognition. Zoom is better than nothing. Price of just over $100.00USD makes this a great on the spot usage video camera.
Overall I highly recommend this video camera for your everyday, "wish I had the video camera" situations. If you are a geocacher this is a must have for all the reasons stated above. With the price of around $100.00 this is something you may consider having a couple of so you never miss a video opportunity.
By all means check it out for yourself and let me know what you think.
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Behind the Scenes of Geocaching Podcast: Episode #207 - Geocaching Summer Preparedness
XpunkX and I (Darrylw4 unfortunately was attending a geocaching event) discussed a wide range of things from the most popular food and beverages to clothing and everything else you may need and why. To hear everything discussed you need to listen to the show. Speaking of which it is now available so if you want to give a listen you can do so right here:
After listening, let us know what you think of the show or send us what we may have missed by calling our show hotline at 206-350-3GPS. We also love seeing you in our show chat room. Come visit with us on Wednesdays at 9:30pm EST.
Cya next week.
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Twitter me at
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
This Week On Michigan Magazine - Show 1623 Grand Hotel on Mackinaw + Geocaching Holland Michigan
Recorded on 6/8/2011 Join us for a visit with VP Anthony Smith of the GRAND HOTEL on Mackinaw Island Michigan. Then we head to Michigan's West coast for some exciting Geocaching at Holland, Michigan with Andy, HHH, Smith!
If the player above is not available you can see the entire episode here:
GeoSnippits are seen each and every week on Michigan Magazine (RFDTV Network).
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Behind The Scenes: Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) - Geocaching with the Family and Series Geocaches
So what happened with the show? Yesterday was just kind of weird all way round. There was issues with Skype and some really poor performance. This made it difficult to do the show because sometimes the screen would lock up and I could not see what was going on but yet still had to continue because we are recording LIVE. Sometimes weird stuff would happen on RVNN.tv's end like running out of disk space half way through a segment or they had connectivity issues. I mean it happens but maybe we had sun spots or something.
The shows themselves turned out great where the first episode was about taking the family out geocaching. We had a lot of good GeoSnippits video for you to see and enjoy. The second show was about a series of geocaches that dealt with phobias. Dave and I both had a lot of fun with that one as well. You will be able to see these shows in about a month on Itunes. Look for shows #15 and #16 respectively.
Well that's all for now. Please be sure to come and visit while we record Geocaching World each and every week. We have contests, prizes and a whole lot of great discussion about geocaching. Join us, won't you?
Cya next week!
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Monday, June 6, 2011
A Very Nice Post From The Other Side of the Big Pond
Here is a link to the article and thanks again Collin, you are the best!
You can check out the UK Geocaching Podcast here:
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Friday, June 3, 2011
It Never Hurts To Ask - Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) Sponsorship
Even though we just recently went into production in late April our LIVE audiences have been breaking viewership records at RVNN.tv and we are not talking by a little bit but huge percentages. We are looking for sponsors right now and there is only a limited number of advertising slots available with the Geocaching World show. Pricing right now is very affordable for just about everyone but you have to act now! It never hurts to ask and you may be surprised how you can highlight your company or products with us. Here is what we are looking for:
Straight sponsorship, you advertise your product, company or services as a commercial in Geocaching World's time slots.
Product Usage, if you have a product that is used in the Geocaching activity and are willing to donate for use in the show we will mention it as a contributing advertisement and when used in the show. This can include but not limited to:
- Geocaching products
- Clothing
- Equipment
- GPS equipment
- Photography products
- RV rental and usage for the show
- Camping and hiking equipment
- Etc.
We are currently looking for an RV company willing to donate an RV for the show on a need to use basis. This would be a high profile key factor when used!
If you have a product that you would like reviewed on the show we would also take under consideration.
If interested I highly recommend you act now. Current sponsorship is already in the works.
Note that all sponsorship will be processed and put under approval with RVNN.tv management.
Contact Andy HeadHardHat Smith for further details at:
Geocache@RVNN.tv Or HeadHardHat@gmail.com
Keep Up With Andy HeadHardHat Smith via his websites:
Geocaching World - Internet TV Show (RVNN.TV)
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right? - HHH's Award Winning Blog
Twitter me at
Friend me at Facebook
Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Behind The Scenes: Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) - Geocaching Swag and Night Caching
Not that I am complaining but here is what Wednesday was like for me.
- Completed a standard work day. I am a Sr. Software QA Engineer.
- Rushed home to film a one minute commercial for our newest sponsor ADT. It had to be done TODAY!
- Setup lights, sound and computer for Geocaching World recordings. We tape two shows a week.
- Was asked to come on early and be a guest on RVNN LIVE. Had a lot of fun as usual talking with the gang and discussing geocaching in general.
- Filmed two Geocaching World TV shows.
- With three minutes to spare tear down Geocaching World setup and prepare for Geocaching Podcast recording.
- Do the Geocaching Podcast show.
Around 10:30 pm EST I was finally able to eat some lite dinner, answer emails and then go to bed to get up for the next day. Phew.
All part of the fun and to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way. So now that you know how hectic things can be lets break down this weeks Geocaching World show.
As stated above I came on early and was a guest on RVNN LIVE. There Dave Dufour and I talked about some of the subjects we would be discussing. When that was finished it was time for pre-show prepping which meant after my equipment was in order I was busy Tweeting everybody and letting them know that we were about to start recording, did they register for Geek of the Week, meet up in the chat room in XXX number of minutes. That kind of stuff.
That night we talked about two different things. First was Night Time geocaching which was a lot of fun. The chat room was really hopping with the introduction of Geek of the Week, where we have a contest that you can win prizes for bringing people to come see us record live (more information on our website - http://geocaching-world.blogspot.com/ ). So basically Courtney our Producer had a lot of fun trying to keep up with the chat room AND produce the show.
Each show consists of three segments. In between is all the commercials and interest points RVNN wants you to know about. As always we get into discussions with the people in the chat room and I really believe we talk more about geocaching in between sets than in the actual show. We really do love talking so the more the merrier. It also shows why it is so very important to see the live recordings. You get that much more information.
Anyhow the first show was a breeze and the second dealt with the subject of geocaching swag. Very good show except we ran out of disk space half way through segment three and had to redo that one from scratch. Eh, it happens. You grin and bare it. Part of show biz.
We had our first Geek of the Week winner that night who was 'NYC Geocaching'. He came up with a rather unique way of getting the most number of people to come and watch the show. We will have to tell how in a future posting. Very creative is all I can say. Stay tuned for more details on that too.
Well this has become a very long posting but we had a lot to talk about. See you on Monday 6/6/2011 at 6:30 PM EST for the next tapings. Be sure to check out our Geek of the Week postings so you can get in on the prizes.
Until next week!
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Thursday, June 2, 2011
This Weeks Geocaching World's Geek of the Week Winner is...
We had an amazing time last night taping Geocaching World. Normally we record on Mondays at 6:30pm EST but because of the holiday weekend we moved over to Wednesday. Didn't matter we had tons of viewers and an extremely active chat room. Thanks from us to you for being there!
Anyways we have a contest each week with Geocaching World called the Geek of the Week where YOU our viewers can win some pretty cool prizes by bringing other viewers into our chat room when we are recording the show. How do you get into this amazing contest you ask? Very easily actually.
- Go to Ustream and make an account - it's free and takes 3 seconds to do.
- Send our Producer: Courtney Wallin an email with the word GEEK in the subject and your Ustream login name in the body of the email.
- Courtney will send you back a secret code for you only. Give that code to your friends, family, etc. and tell them to come to our LIVE recordings of Geocaching World. Usually at 6:30pm EST on Mondays. Here is our live link: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/rvnn-live
- They will give the code you gave them to Courtney and you will get credit for each person who gives your code.
Keep Up With Andy HeadHardHat Smith via his websites:
Geocaching World - Internet TV Show (RVNN.TV)
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right? - HHH's Award Winning Blog
Twitter me at
Friend me at Facebook
Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
This Week On Michigan Magazine - Show 1622 W. Maple Middle School Traveling Classroom and Geocaching Maintenance
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Michigan Magazine TV (RFDTV) |
Recorded on 6/1/2011 Join us as we follow the W. Maple Middle School 7th graders of W. Bloomfield, Michigan to Michigan's Triangle of History - Mackinaw City, Mackinaw Island & St. Ignace. We spend the night at the Grand Hotel.
Then Geosnippit's Andy, HHH, Smith gives us some tips on maintaining your Geocaches
If you cannot see the video above you can see the entire episode by clicking the link here:
GeoSnippits and Andy HeadHardHat Smith can be seen each and every week on Michigan Magazine TV on the RFDTV Network.
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at