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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) Now Featured On YouTube - Geocache Types

Geocaching World is in it's first season and already it is one of the top shows in the RVNN.tv network. There are several reasons for this.  Starting with hosts Dave Dufour who just learned about Geocaching and Andy HeadHardHat Smith who has been very involved with the family activity for years. Then the extremely informative banter as Andy and Dave discuss all the aspects of Geocaching including many side subjects likes photography, hiking, technology and much more. Finally there are our amazing viewers who can watch the show as it is recorded LIVE or as it is distributed via ITunes, TechPodcast, Blubrry, Roku and many other viewing choices. Above all this entertaining show would not be possible without you.

So with all the many ways someone can see entire episodes via the web. Why are we putting out teasers of the show and featuring them on YouTube? When we say teaser we are not putting the whole show out there but rather the second segment of three from each show. This will give a good sampling of what the show is about and hopefully will have people wanting to see the show in it's entirety. Overall this is really to help pull in folks who may not be familiar with Geocaching World yet. Our regular viewers will already know to watch off off Thea RVNN.tv website or use ITunes and the like.

The main thing is to keep everyone informed as much as possible. So if Geocaching World comes up in one of your Geocaching discussions be sure to point the discussion to any one of the ways for everyone to enjoy our show. We would appreciate it greatly.


Enjoy an early episode of Geocaching World where we talk about geocaching types.

If the viewer above is not available you can see the entire segment by going here:

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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