For you my ever growing band of faithful followers (and you know who you are) this is the beginning of hopefully a very long and communicative relationship with the owners, developers and support people of a cutting edge company. It has always been my intent to do honest, straight shooting reviews and tutorials about any product I can get my hands on. Being on the council to Trimble Outdoors or any other company will not sway that - EVER. What this WILL do is allow you, my readers, to voice what is on your mind about a given product so I can send those thoughts directly to the right people. Straight feedback where it counts and you know that you can't beat an opportunity like that with a stick. What else?
With Trimble Outdoors I get access to all the "goodies" where I can take my time and do reviews and tutorials the way they should be, no fluff, some laughs and presented as they are being used while they are being used out in the wild. Again you have the ability to bring up situations and conditions that you would want to have tested. I'll show you what happens, good, bad and indifferent. The point is you now have a say but it is up to you to email me your thoughts and ideas. headhardhat@gmail.com
The other very exciting opportunities will be to work on products in development. Get a birds eye view of what is coming out in future releases. Now I can't promise you everything but what I can do is let you know all that I am allowed to tell. You now have a front row seat with Trimble Outdoors products so be sure to keep tuned to my blog on a regular basis and send those comments, ideas and suggestions in. GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
Remember, this is one of hopefully many other companies that we can be a part of. These are very exciting times! -HHH
Here is the link to our new Trimble Outdoors Request Page for all your comments, suggestions and ideas. http://hhhtrimble.blogspot.com/