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The following discussion is a spoiler. Please do not read if you wish to pursue finding this actual geocache. I will not state specifically which one it is or where with the knowledge that there are ways. I felt it was necessary for discussion purposes and apologize now to anyone who may not approve to my approach in this matter. It is my hope though to bring thought and discussion which keeps geocaching the game, sport and obsession it is.
Went on today's Geocache of the day and found a particular park and grab that has me questioning if the concept in the hide itself is such a good idea.
Let me set up the scenario. It is a realitively easy park and grab. You park into a nearby spot then wonder up a rather scenic little pine needle covered hill until you reach ground zero. Now for my GPS at the time the arrow was jumping a bit due to the heavy tree cover so I had to do some heavy checking of areas.
After a while ground zero settled near what appeared to be a Bell South utility cap. Now I don't know about you but when it comes to anything that deals with utilities I automatically discount them because I don't want to be touching things that are made to protect you from touching. This particular spot though wooded was across the street from a high muggle prone area and in these kinds of situations can bring on that uncomfortable should I or shouldn't I kind of feeling.
After a few moments of thought I took the plunge and low and behold the geocache was indeed inside. Now the base looks like it goes down rather deep so I don't know if this was an actual utility area and it was abandond or what but here it is. The cap that goes over everything looks like a legit South Bell utility cap. So my question to you fellow geocachers is this an acceptable placement for a geocache?
Comment below and let me know your thoughts because this easily could be a discussion for a future GeoSnippits or Geocaching Podcast discussion.
Until tomorrow's geocaching adventure...
GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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I don't think it's legit, but then I also don't like the ones that look like sprinklers or other surrounding objects, since the real objects seem to get broken from prying.
I agree. I hate the fake electric boxes also (and hides on real electric boxes). Are there not enough trees, stumps, light poles and guard rails around???
All Warning signs should be taken seriously! I don't think encouraging cachers to disregard them is a very good idea!
Although it is a sneaky hide, I think that it encourages cachers to take risks that they shouldnt take...not to mention the vandalism that could occur we we all start opening things we shouldnt be opening. If the sign had a clever message on it ("Geocaching logging station") then it may be a bit more appropriate...but all in all I think these types of hides should be left out of the game.
I agree 100%. I do not like any caches placed like this one or those place on any electrical boxes or poles. My biggest fear is for younger geocaches who may put them themselves at risk searching for similarly styled caches.
I agree that caches should NOT be placed in an urban dangerous situation (such as an electrical panel hidden among electrical panels). But even woodsy caches can be very dangerous depending upon their terrain etc. Furthermore, I have seen many woods damaged by cachers tearing things apart trying to find that little piece of paper.
This cache is NOT dangerous in any way! This cache is located above a “no dig line” optical cable as there is another sign ~30’ away. In fact, the description even jokes about not digging (not that anyone would dig 3+’ down to find a cache anyway).
If you are worried about taking a risk, damaging any urban property etc., just don’t go find any urban caches. There are many of us that are just plain tired of finding a bison tube in a tree, a magnet key holder stuck to a storm drain, and a film canister under lamp skirt. Those of us that do find urban caches can do so smartly and safely without damaging any properly.
I am glad there are innovative caches out there. Do you really want to do 1000 trees, stumps, light poles and guard rails?
The problem is there are too many idiots out there that will do anything to sign a piece of paper. Those are the ones that cause damage to the area. If you have half a brain I think you can figure out the difference between looking for a cache and causing damage.
Here is a suggestion: On your geocaching.com account (unless you are too cheap to spend #30 for a year membership), you can add all the unique caches to your ignore list and you will never see them again. Then you can go out and find all the lamp skirt hides that you like.
CO, don't listen to these imbeciles. Keep putting out original caches!
I have to admit I a split on this one. I do like the original and unique aspect of this type of cache, but at the same time I see where the concern is. It is not so much with this cache per say, but rather the president that it sets. If you come across enough of these types of caches you maybe more likely to snoop around a poorly placed cache in the future. I have seen some caches that were made out of real electrical components and you had to pull them apart to get to the cache. I like the idea, but it has the same type of problem. I think a simple solution to this type of cache would be to place a warning label with something like the Groundspeak or travel bug logo on it. This way when you come across this type of cache you would know it is ok to mess around with it. I just think that if you decide to camouflage a cache as something that could be potentially dangerous you should also provide some type of hint that it is indeed safe.
I agree with Dave on this one. I think these are okay ONLY if you are told/well hinted at what you're looking for. Otherwise it becomes a PIA cache
How is this different than hiding a HeadHardHat fake fire hydrant?
I've done this cache and it is so benign. Its a marker for a buried cable. Lamp skirts are far more encouraging to tamper with things you shouldn't.
Its a good, safe yet out of the ordinary cache.
I am not stating that we should not have creative caches. Heck I invent them all the time.
What I am stating is the potential dangers that geocachers can be put into by creating geocaches that look exactly like utility type equipment. This cache in of itself does not present any danger. Nor did I state this. What my point to the entire discussion is for the types of geocaches that encourage geocachers to look into utility areas that are potentially dangerous and should it be a subject of discussion. Which apparently it is to many. We cannot ignore it. I never stated that create caches should not be creative. I am suggesting that maybe in some cases that a type of solution to help prevent damage or injury may be needed.
You hide fake fire hydrants :)
A fire hydrant? Really?!!? Is this a real fire hydrant? I have not found this one. This would not be dangerous unless the building next to it was on fire. I can only imagine the surprise of the fire department after they hooked up to it only to have a log shoot out of it! :-)
Seems like I remember doing a HHH find that was under a bridge on a guard rail on a road with speed limits of 55 MPH. Talk about dangerous, I didn't think anyone would put a cache right on the freeway.
LOL, yes the fire hydrant is made of PVC and is six inches tall. Shy of the nearby pooch I don't believe it would fool anybody in being a real hydrant for a second. :)
Right...and this buried cable *marker* is similarly not as dangerous. It wasn't remotely dangerous. The point is the same, which you make.. encouraging people to tamper things best left alone.
I just get a little irked of people using specific examples of "bad hides" etc when they have similar hides, especially in quite a high profile blog like this. I'd be pissed if I was the CO and saw this... oh wait, he did ;). Just a personal bugbear of mine.
I completely understand and with hindsight I should have handled it differently. I have already talked with the CO and we have agreed to disagree on a few things. I have also taken further steps so that the examples given on the blog will not be trackable by looking at my personal finds. This should remove the direct attach approach. It wasn't my intent to point fingers (I have four pointing back at me). It was my intent to discuss this rather touchy and highly opinionated subject. Many of my discussions happen because I experience them at the time. That is simply what happened here.
I love creative hides, but I do prefer when they're not camouflaged to look exactly like a piece of equipment you shouldn't be messing with. There's an excellent hide in Greensboro that looks like a fuse box on the outside of a building. But it's clearly labeled with the GC number on the outside. To casual passersby, it means nothing. To cachers, it's a clear indication that we're at the right place.
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