Andy HeadHardHat Smith in the GeoSnippits Studios with
Co-Host Courtney Wallin on monitor. |
If you missed last night's recording of
Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) you missed out on some real geocacher fun. You see we finally had my friend, geocacher and bicycle enthusiast
Dave (Debaere) Debaeremaeker on as our special guest. Yes I had to get in one last dig on poor Dave who last week could not make it to the show due to an unfortunate altercation with a hill, his bike and gravity. Fortunately he was not seriously hurt but I can bet he sure was sore. Ultimately I was very happy to have my friend on our show.
So lessee, the show itself went along great except for a couple of glitches. We were experiencing some weird wind tunnel effect for some reason that eventually went away. Not sure how much of that will be in the actual final footage but we shall see. Our loverly producer and co-host
Courtney Wallin is extremely talented and can edit with the best. Anyway, the show went great once that particular gremlin was extinguished which is always a good thing.
Geocacher Debaere - Tonight's show guest. |
Dave, Dave and even more Debaere. You never know how an interview is going to go until you actually do it. Dave - Debaere is a very inspiring geocacher and we have hit it off from the first time we met at the
Geocache In Space (L.E.I.F.) event earlier this year. In fact we went geocaching for an afternoon in the Raleigh, NC area just a month or so back. Had a fantastic time. So even though he admittedly was a bit nervous you couldn't tell a bit and we gabbed for the entire length of the show. We talked about how Dave started geocaching in Belgium and even though he is Canadian the bulk of his geocaching career is here in the States. We discussed about all sorts of geocaching insights and you will just have to see the episode when it comes out in the next day or so. Let's just say it is jam packed with geocaching greatness.
Our Geocaching World Cache Stash was sponsored by
GxProxy.com this week and the prize was a very cool carabiner. Plus they announced a brand newly minted geocoin that you should go to their website to see. It's gorgeous!
Needless to say this was a winner of a show and you really should see it when it becomes available in your favorite podcatcher application. Next week we will be talking about favorite geocache items you can not geocache without. If you have any suggestions please email to headhardhat@gmail.com and they just might get mentioned on the show.
Oh and almost forgot, I want to thank a whole bunch of Geocaching World viewers who hung around in the Google+ hangout after the show. We must have talked for a half hour or so about different geocaching things including one of our viewers from Germany gave us some great information as well. Was really interesting and again thanks!
We record Geocaching World (RVNN.tv) every Tuesday night at 6:30pm ET. You can be part of our live audience by going into our Ustream Chatroom where you can see our live feed of the show as we record and/or you can join our Google + hangout by circling
+Andrew Smith.
See you next week,
Andy HeadHardHat Smith
Our award winning, geocaching based blog: GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right?
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